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I reported him in game but didn’t get any notifications of the hater’s suspension. Tried opening a ticket through Riot’s website (took the screenshots of his insults) but the system tells me that I’m unable to report the same person twice, as I did it already in-game. He was duoing with second person with a vulgar name, who kept abusing me as well throughout a game. Both of them keep playing since then. I think such people should be banned, because the insults were extremely personal and a sensitive girl could be influenced mentally very badly by these. I’m sure they keep doing it each game they spot a female player, it’s a pretty commonplace thing on EUNE but these two flamers were extraordinarily abusive.

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMoriGrl - Direct link

Hey, just wanted to hop in here because some of the comments are pretty upsetting. The best thing you can do here, as someone else said, is to file a ticket through the Support website. There should be a place where you can upload screenshots and reporting at the end of game shouldn’t prevent you from doing so. If you are having trouble doing that, please PM me and I’ll help walk you through it.

My Reddit name is the same as my in game name so I encounter this kind of behavior pretty often (was... not worse, but different, before I also had Riot in my name). You are absolutely within your rights to report this person and also to be upset by this. No one should have to go through this and just resign themselves to it because “that’s how games are,” in League or any other game. This kind of stuff feels awful and “ignore it” and “move on” are not helpful advice here. I hear you.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMoriGrl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


The question the OP was asking was “how do I report someone in all the ways I can for behaving really, really badly in game?” That’s a perfectly reasonable question, and not “vindictive” at all. She had a really bad experience, she wants to make sure it gets brought to someones’s attention in all the ways it can. Filing a Player Support ticket because someone treated you especially badly is in no way bad for your health. I’m not suggesting she should vindictively hold onto this forever, I am saying that “just move on” is not the right answer to the question she was asking. “File a support ticket” is.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMoriGrl - Direct link

Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

Move on insinuates there is a place to move on to. Where? From the OP:

it’s a pretty commonplace thing on EUNE but these two flamers were extraordinarily abusive.

When you tell someone who regularly faces abuse to move on from one instance and on to the next, and on to the one after that, it creates a dynamic where the abused party is told to keep trying new lunch tables rather than any number of tables making room for them.

Perhaps the misunderstanding is because Riot's on-the-tin philosophy is inclusivity, not "remediating chat restrictions for women." They likely want every player to enjoy every feature of the game they maintain.

On to personal snippets:

If you learn how to not take words so personal

If only it was personal, at least then the problem would be specific enough to not experience as often. This wasn't incited over a personal matter, it started because of a username and its underlying, implied identity.

This is also another 'move on' situation. What should she take it as? A joke? A compliment? Banter? Another example of those wily EUNE boys being boys? I would suggest the notion that it is less healthy to repress feelings of extreme discomfort over something a person said to you, trying to fit a template of the "can't phase me' archetype, than it is to just be upset at upsetting things.

Further more seems to me like additionally pursuing this even after simply reporting is a bit vindictive behavior which is also not really good for ones health.

Wanting a solution better than "report them and move on" is not vindictive. Especially when the OP even feels like this: "I’m sure they keep doing it each game they spot a female player." There are so many other motives OP could have for reaching out than 'revenge' or 'being validated.'

I was just curious why you think that advising someone to take care of their own health is not helpful advice?

You're conflating one philosophy for self-help as the only solution, when there is no clear & discrete solution. That is why support is so important, to uplift sufferers while everyone works together to figure out how the f**k to solve this misogynistic mess. The mode suggested by 'move on' is toxically individualistic and pertains to the notion that you are somehow responsible for the stones thrown at your own identity.

Perhaps dumb f**king gamers being vile should be treated as a real issue and not a support ticket? That gets close, I feel, to what MoriGrl is putting across.

Yeah. I had something similar to this and deleted it because I was frustrated. But this, too.