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over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by PankoKing

Riot Tantum Tantram showed the exact line of code. 1 report or 9 reports equals 1 flag. It's not like 9 reports equal 9 flags, it's just "player in game flagged"

Just to clean-up misinformation, that understanding is outdated (3 years old). Reporting players consistently matters. Our systems take into account all reports holistically. As such, if a player believes someone deserves a report, then they should report that person since it feeds the system independently.

over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by PankoKing

Interesting, so what you're saying is that in a single game, if I report someone and then another dude reports someone, then the priority for report goes up?

Otherwise it sounds like you're saying that reporting over multiple games factors, which I don't think the comment I made disagrees with that.

Rate of reports is taken into account when analyzing consistent disruptive behavior. If players only think reporting 1 time matters in a game, then they won't feel their individual report matters and will not report. This reduces the rate of reports metric and as such makes it more difficult to identify disruptive behavior through reports that allow us to gain confidence in the action we need to take.

It also will make it difficult to identify players who report consistently well, versus those that report every game (as noted in the article).

Our system takes these into account and we're constantly building on the ingest pipeline to make sure that we're more and more confident when taking action.

over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by PankoKing

Okay, so then the proper set up for this is "Report 9x" now?

Like, I totally understand your point, I just know that the situation works in absolutes (when it comes to these sorts of conversations with people, not you or Riot in particular), it's either 9x works and you should do it to get someone punished, or 1 report works and it flags the game for Riot to see it.

Though I think at the end of the day, the mentality of "1 or 9 means a flag" is probably the best, because you can still have people report, it just doesn't specify to people that 9X REPORT shoots the potential offending behavior to the top, because I think that sort of behavior is degenerate, even if you can filter it out in terms of report quality.

I get what you're saying, people should report rule-breaking behavior if they see it, Riot will see the flag for the game but it will have flags from other people too to help "corroborate"

It's not black and white, as everyone has different behavioral thresholds; so yes, what I'm saying is report behavior that you believe is rule breaking if you see it. Don't rely on others to report for you.