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almost 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by thewalkingfred

Urgots stun is gonna be brutal. In two patches it’s gone from .75 seconds to 1.5 seconds. And he get movespeed after using it, and his Q gets more damage and a stronger, longer stun.

Might be time to break Urgot back out. Hell, I wonder if support urgot could even be a thing now with all his CC.

This is a clarification and bugfix - before he spent .5s throwing the enemy over his shoulder, then stunning for .75s after. That was buffed to be stunning for 1s after in patch 10.6

Then in 10.7, I did a light rescript of the ability that ended up actually setting the total CC duration to 1s instead of the intended 1.5s, since I got mixed up with what the tooltip stated. So now we are fixing it back to 10.6 value and clarifying the tooltip