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When I was Silver 4, I wanted to play with a friend who is Gold 4, but I could not go into ranked because there was too much difference in our level.

And here I am, with a Silver 4 in my team who brought an Iron 3 that basically ruined the game as he did not have the very basics of the game. The dude would run under tower in lane whenever a team fight is about to start, would stay away from team in team fights and keep Heal for his own use only, and whenever we pinged to say we were on the way to gank (with Bard portal), he would suddenly turn over aggressive so the enemy team would just run away as it made it obvious that something was underway.

And in the end, he simply went afk after 10mn of game when he rushed into a 1v3 fight mid.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Can you send me your and your friend's summoner names? I'm pretty sure you should be able to duo together.