Like having afks in your promos ruin totally your game, they don't get banned just a 20mins queue ( he can watch some netflix in between) going afk should prevent players from playing ranked for some days and even getting less lp ( instead of getting -18lp just like your teammates who did their best to win you get -18*2) the impunity in league of legends is unbelievable having smurfs flaming and going afk they have nothing to waste.
EDit 1: A fun fact going afk for 1 game is actually normal to get banned you need to go afk for atleast 2 games in a row but going afk from time to time does nothing to your account.
EDIT2: Okay 7 days is way too much but for the first time in the season you go afk(2,3 games in a short period) you get banned from playing ranked for 1 day you go afk again you get 3days, etc...
EDIT3: this ban shouldn’t be given immediately right after going afk ( accidents happen) this ban should be replaced by that time 20mins queue ( you don’t get it right after going afk it takes time)
EDIT4: Here's the type i am talking about enemy jnugler went afk after dying and ruining the game for his teammates:
EDIT5: A smurf went afk just after dying twice:
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