Thanks BarackProbama
Thanks BarackProbama
You're welcome digitsabc
Just a heads up, the image of the shop with the prices/items is totally made up. Don't try and infer anything about prices from it lmao.
Actually looks like a tooth. I love it.
I like 98% of them but some feel too lacking in color & too “smooth”, if that’s the right word.
Specifically what I’m thinking of is zeal, bramble vest, and BF sword.
They smooth
I'm waiting for the system to suggest Morello in every situation only to make LS mald.
Morello first item every single time on every character.
Part time president, part time AAA game designer.
Nah its a smol indiana studio.
Less than 2 weeks for the new item system in pbe? I really want to try it, also not sure why they didn't update Rod of Ages icon, it is so old.
This is definitely what league needed honestly. Im liking Riots new stance with the items and it gives a giant breath of fresh air. With items and runes, you can easily or professor everything if you wanted, now it's definitely going to take time for people to see what items are good and what path to go for.
We are updating every icon in the game pretty much, that one just didn't make the cut from mockup in the article.
Giga glow down for doran's ring if I've ever seen one
Our goal for basic and starter items was actually to make them more diminutive. As the items increase in power, their imagery can become more impressive. Current Doran's Ring looks way more powerful than it actually is.
I think they're fine. They just look so mobile game-ey
This is gonna pop up a lot so I'll point out the same icons are intended for use in Wild Rift and TFT Mobile.
I kinda hope they rename upgraded boots so that more regions are involved.
We have Ionian boots for CDR, but what if the magic resist ones came from Demacia? The armor ones from Noxus, etc. It’d be neat to get a little extra flavor of each region.
That's exactly what we are doing and imo they look sick. probably my favourite part of the update so far.
This is gonna pop up a lot so I'll point out the same icons are intended for use in Wild Rift and TFT Mobile.
All of this art you're seeing is work in progress. Feel free to give feedback! Wild Rift will be getting the same icons with the update.
I noticed there is/are no page/s for ap fighters and assassins. Will they be grouped with the ad counter parts, together, or have individual pages?
The current design has items broken down by class. This works for most champions, but some don't fit neatly into the existing class structure (Looking at you Shyvana). For these champions, the popular filter should serve their needs. The popular filter will look at all the times players build on that champion and display them and their components.
It seems that Wild Rift has had a major influence on item theme. I hope the gameplay design of the items didn't follow the same pattern.
Wild Rift and League have some design pillar in common but also some that are divergent. This is pretty natural given the platform differences. I think our new items feel pretty League-y.
Wild Rift will be getting the same icons with the update.
ahhhh okay, that makes sense. any specific place to leave feedback on them? i dont see a thread on leaguePBE
Yeah I believe when they are on PBE, which they will be for a while, there will be threads. But we'll do our best to look in the usual places too.
Is there aa reason why the own items sets wont have the consumables and boots tabs on the side. I wanted to reduce my own sets to be less crowded and this looks so good.
In addition to these pages, we’re introducing Quick-Buy sidebars. These sidebars appear in both the Recommended and All Items views
For me it makes no sense to not extend this to the items set tab, too.
It will also be on the item set page, but will not prevent item sets from containing boots or potions.
Just wondering can y’all give an update what’s going to happen with ornn and items
Oh snap we totally forgot about Ornn! JK Ornn is being accounted for :)
If so then please consider giving rabadon its face back, it made the item feel like it was so powerful it got its own consciousness
Personally I wasn't for removing it to begin with and with the amount of feedback already I will be sure to suggest we bring it back in some form.
A piece of feedback would to change Lich Bane's sword a bit, It's too long in my opinion, the handle is a bit too out of frame, First time I saw it I had a difficult time telling what it is
Yeah that one still needs some work totally with you.
Hi I really love the new items but I’m so so sad that the art is changing.. I LOVE the current league item art and I really don’t want to see it go :( they give the game such a unique and classic feel without feeling dated, I don’t want to see them go honestly.. the new art personally really doesnt feel good, nor match my personal aesthetic nor the aesthetic I associate with when I play league
Like the old SR and Pizza Feet it's time to say goodbye to the classics. They've served us well for 10 years, but the only thing we can depend upon in this crazy world is that things will change.
Will there still be tabs for specific stats?
Yes, that’s coming a bit later on.
Silhouettes for Banshee's Veil and Luden's Echo are very hard to read compared to their old icons. I stared at the BVeil icon for a full 10 seconds trying to figure out what the positive and negative spaces were. It's too busy. Similarly, the icon for Zhonya's Hourglass looks cool when examined closely, but the silhouette doesn't read at all in miniature.
Luden's and Needlessly Large Rod also lose too much of their color familiarity. The important parts of both those icons for quick identification were always the bright purple backsplash and glow, respectively. Also, Luden's changed direction.
All of the other icon updates we saw look real good though.
Thanks for the clear feedback! I don't think Luden's was updated yet - was it perhaps Void Staff you are referring to?
Don’t mind change. But why force the mobile theme onto the PC players?
It's the other way round, WR working to be as close to LoL PC as possible. What I meant in my other post is that these new icons are being designed to read well at any scale (some of them aren't there yet).