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I'm not someone who complains about Swain only appearing in the support role now, I actually think he's very strong in mid lane. But one of my favourite things about him, his flock of birds that appear around the map, has been missing for several months now. I know there are more pressing bugs that need addressing performance-wise, but the birds have been missing a long time now and it would be wonderful if we could find out the status on them ever coming back.

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotKingCobra - Direct link

Originally posted by maulcore

Yeah like sometimes I wonder am I just not noticing them when they do appear? But whenever I search for them or actively try to find a way to bring them back I can't manage it. I wonder if it has something to do with his passive changes cause I think before the number of birds that gathered depended on how many stacks you had on your ult

We're working on a fix for his ambient birds at the moment. :) We suspect they have been broken for quite a while (potentially broke last year around Worlds when we enabled a Worlds map skin). Hitting an enemy with W should still spawn birds around the location for a brief amount of time, but the ambient ones likely fail to appear at all.

With the preseason changing terrain in some games, we've revisited his birds, re-positioning them so they don't spawn on terrain that could potentially be destroyed at the least. I will check up on the status of fixing the ambient birds.