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If you struggle with something like organic chemistry. And you think that you are not cut for it. Then have this in mind:

You probably memorized most of the champions names, items and abilities. You could probably draw a champion from the top of your head if you wanted to. You know exactly how the champions interact with each other. What champions goes well with each other and what not.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link

This really does blow my mind. The average LoL player has such a deep knowledge of the game, especially when you compare it to the average player of other popular games... It's really humbling. The amount of practice it takes to get to even silver is very impressive.

Not to be all "gamers rise up" but I really believe that if someone has the intelligence and drive to be even decent at LoL, they're probably the sort of person who could succeed at just about anything they put their minds to.