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I wholeheartedly think Yuumi is the worst creation Riot has come up with, maybe ever. The whole idea is busted and she should always be kept on the weaker side/niche, just like they're treating Azir/Irelia. She has received like 3 buffs and suddenly she's taking over proplay again, because she's so damn oppressive. And if an enchanter enters proplay (which has been dominated by tanks for a long time), then you know something about her is special (not to mention she's stupid enough that she was played as a carry with Garen not too long ago, because her Q is pretty much impossible to dodge after the laning phase, so she dealt carry-level damage).

She's extremely uninteractive, her heals are disgusting but it would have been fine (I guess) if she was a standalone enchanter who can be focused and killed at the beginning of the fight, like Soraka. Her being able to attach to someone means that you have to kill that person first, and most of the time the person she's sitting on has some survability as well (bruiser/juggernaut), so it's way harder. So she's just sitting there pumping out heals, speedbuffs, damage and slows, like a mobile turret.

The most ridiculous part of Yuumi is the fact that she feels like a MF/GP's Mercenary trait's upgrade in TFT. She's a bunch of stats and she makes other champions more oppressive than they are in reality - the most glaring example are juggernauts (I know they're broken for the most part right now but still). Their counterplay is kiting, but Yuumi completely nullifies that. E movement speed buff + sustain + undodgeable Q slow turn them into zooming raidbosses.

Not to mention she currently has over 48% with a 12% pickrate (4th highest pickrate support). For a niche, 'weird' champion like her, that's insane, considering even during her most busted state in the past, she was hanging in the very low forties.

I honestly don't know how Riot can fix her - they probably can't because attaching is her thing, but it's extremely uninteractive and unfun to play against.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

is this a sh*tpost LOL.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by wiggywonka

Says the leblanc player which has literally 0 counter play

Dodge the chain bro

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by wiggywonka

Cant dodge the point and click q - r into W.

That's relevant after you feed her 10 kills, sure