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Aghanim's Scepter. An item in Dota 2 with no equivalent in League of Legends. The item's stats are fairly mediocre, pretty much giving a bit of everything so anyone can buy it. However, the thing that makes it worth buying is its passive, which is 100% unique to every single playable character. Upgrading their abilities, or even adding entirely new ones. And recently, Aghanim's Shard was added. A consumable that gives a DIFFERENT unique enhancement. So I thought: what if League of Legends had Aghanim's Scepter and Shard as well?

Most of these are probably not balanced. But man do I wish to play around with these upgrades.


Aatrox - Scepter: Deathbringer Stance empowers Aatrox’s next two attacks as well. The second attack has 100 increased range and roots the target for 0.75 seconds, and the third makes Aatrox leap a short distance to his target and deal bonus damage based on their missing health.

Shard: Umbral Dash can hold up to three charges.


Ahri - Scepter: Whenever Ahri casts a spell, she creates a single Fox-Fire flame. Fox-Fire flames deal increased damage.

Shard: Spirit Rush fires at the nearest five enemies. Increased Spirit Rush dash range. Spirit Rush can be recast one more time.


Akali - Scepter: After casting Perfect Execution, Akali gains a large amount of Attack Damage and Ability Power until she uses the second cast, or 10 seconds have passed.

Shard: For the first 1.25 seconds after cast, Twilight Shroud makes Akali undetectable by True Sight.


Alistar - Scepter: 20% of Unbreakable Will’s damage reduction becomes permanent. During Unbreakable Will, Alistar is immune to true damage.

Shard: Trample grants Alistar increased movement speed and slows enemies he tramples.


Amumu - Scepter: Tantrum’s passive component also reduces magical damage. Tantrum has increased radius and deals bonus damage based on the amount of damage Amumu has taken in the past four seconds.

Shard: Despair has no mana cast and marks enemies with Curse.


Anivia - Scepter: Rebirth revives Anivia 1 second faster and has reduced cooldown.

Shard: Frostbite deals increased damage and has reduced cooldown.


Annie - Scepter: Molten Shield doubles the damage and range of Tibbers’ Flame Aura while active. Both Tibbers and Annie are healed for a percentage of damage dealt by Tibbers’ Flame Aura.

Shard: Annie gains bonus Ability Power for each stack of Pyromania.


Aphelios - Scepter: Aphelios’ basic attacks gain a bonus based on his off-hand. Calibrum grants attack range, Severum grants lifesteal, Gravitum grants a slowing effect, Infernum gives the attack splash damage, and Crescendum increases damage.

Shard: The last 25 shots in each of Aphelios’ weapons have increased attack damage scaling.


Ashe - Scepter: Volley fires a single miniature Enchanted Crystal Arrow with limited range. This miniature arrow deals 25% damage and stuns for one third of the duration.

Shard: Ranger’s Focus becomes a passive ability.


Aurelion Sol - Scepter: Celestial Expansion becomes a toggleable ability. The bonus Star damage becomes permanent. While Comet of Legend is on its in-combat cooldown, it can be activated to give Aurelion Sol 40% bonus movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds.

Shard: Adds two additional Stars to Center of the Universe.


Azir - Scepter: The first time Azir or each of his allies walk through Emperor’s Divide, they gain a shield and increased movement speed for a few seconds. Increases the width by 2 soldiers.

Shard: The Sun Disc summons two Sand Soldiers at its side to guard it. The Sand Soldiers will automatically attack enemies in melee range even if Azir doesn’t command them, and last until the Sun Disc is destroyed.


Bard - Scepter: Caretaker’s Shrines build up in power over an additional 10 seconds, increasing their maximum heal further. Maximum amount of shrines is increased to 7 and the cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.

Shard: Bard can reactivate Tempered Fate to free all units from stasis. Tempered Fate has reduced cooldown.


Blitzcrank - Scepter: While Overdrive is active, all of Blitzcrank’s cooldowns (including items and passive) besides Overdrive cool down faster.

Shard: Static Field’s passive component is active even while on cooldown, and deals bonus damage based on the target’s maximum health.


Brand - Scepter: Doubles the amount of Pyroclasm bounces.

Shard: When Sear hits an enemy, also casts Conflagration at the target. The free cast of Conflagration does not apply Blaze on the primary target.


Braum - Scepter: Glacial Fissure creates a snowstorm in a wider area that damages enemies every second and slows them. If an enemy without any stacks of Concussive Blows is damaged by the snowstorm, they gain a single stack of Concussive Blows.

Shard: When Concussive Blows stuns a target, all other nearby enemies are knocked back, damaging and slowed.


Caitlyn - Scepter: Further increases Caitlyn’s attack range against champions in Yordle Snap Traps. Yordle Snap Traps last longer and will stealth after 20 seconds. Increased maximum amount of traps.

Shard: Ace in The Hole pierces enemy champions until it reaches its primary target. On hit, each champion that is not the primary target reduces the damage of the projectile by 50%. This damage reduction can stack.


Camille - Scepter: Landing the enhanced version of Precision Protocol’s second cast heals Camille for a percentage of the damage dealt, grants her increased attack speed and briefly slows the target.

Shard: Adaptive Defenses grants both types of shield. Shields last up to 6 seconds.


Cassiopeia - Scepter: Each unique enemy affected by poison grants Cassiopeia increased movement speed and mana regeneration. Affected champions grant larger bonuses.

Shard: Cassiopeia can purchase any set of boots to gain their non-movement speed effects permanently. Mobility Boots grants out-of-combat speed.


Cho'Gath - Scepter: Vorpal Spikes becomes a toggleable ability that drains mana per attack. Vorpal Spikes applies a debuff that increases damage taken from Vorpal Spikes for 3 seconds, stacking twice.

Shard: Increases health gained from Feast. Feast can gain up to 10 stacks from non-epic monsters or minions. When used on a non-champion, Feast has reduced cooldown.


Corki - Scepter: Every third Big One is a Bigger One, with greatly increased explosion radius and damage. Missile Barrage can be cast while moving.

Shard: The Package arrives faster. When the Package arrives, Corki gains Empowered Recall for his next recall within 30 seconds.


Darius - Scepter: While Noxian Might is active, Hemorrhage deals bonus true damage.

Shard: Each champion killed by Noxian Guillotine permanently increases Darius’ AD.


Diana - Scepter: Crescent Strike also creates an arc of lunar energy that travels clockwise. When they converge they create a blast of light that blinds enemies in an area and afflicts them with Sunlight as well as Moonlight. When Diana damages an enemy with Sunlight it is consumed to deal bonus damage.

Shard: Casting Moonfall grants Diana the shield from Pale Cascade and afflicts all champions hit with Moonlight.


Dr. Mundo - Scepter: Hitting an enemy with Infected Bonesaw leaves the bonesaw inside them for 4 seconds. If Dr. Mundo basic attacks an enemy with a bonesaw in them he will rip it out, applying the slow again and causing a bleed that deals additional physical damage over time. After having a bonesaw ripped out, the enemy cannot have another in them for 6 seconds.

Shard: While below 20% health, Dr. Mundo has increased regeneration and healing from all sources.


Draven - Scepter: Draven’s Spinning Axes gain bonus damage for each time he’s caught each individual axe, reset when he replaces a Spinning Axe with a new one or drops it.

Shard: Whirling Death can be recast up to two more times to make the axes reverse direction, either traveling away from Draven or towards him. Allows Whirling Death to hit enemies a maximum of four times. Each direction change will reset the damage reduction from hitting multiple enemies.


Ekko - Scepter: When Timewinder expands it launches two more Timewinders perpendicular to the original, which return to Ekko half a second after the original. Enemies hit by multiple Timewinders take 50% damage from Timewinders beyond the first.

Shard: Phase Dive and Chronobreak can be reactivated within 2 seconds for Phase Dive or 8 seconds for Chronobreak to teleport Ekko back to the location he cast them.


Elise - Scepter: Rappel has greatly increased radius and grants Elise vision of the entire area. She can remain rappeled for up to 5 seconds before being forced down. Getting a takedown refreshes Rappel’s cooldown.

Shard: Hitting an enemy with Cocoon spawns two Spiderlings to attack the target.


Evelynn - Scepter: Allure holds up to 2 charges. Using both on the same target will immediately grant the enhanced expunge effect.

Shard: Demon Shade grants stealth if Evelynn hasn’t damaged a champion in the last 20 seconds.


Ezreal - Scepter: Mystic Shot is piercing. Only the first hit reduces his cooldowns.

Shard: Essence Flux is applied to all enemies in an area around the initial target.


Fiddlesticks - Scepter: Scarecrow Effigies deal 10% of Fiddlesticks’ damage, but do not apply any form for crowd control.

Shard: Increases Crow Storm’s cast range.


Fiora - Scepter: Riposte refreshes the cooldown of Lunge. Fiora can Lunge during Riposte. She will continue to face the initial direction.

Shard: Both attacks enhanced by Bladework have both effects at once.


Fizz - Scepter: If Trickster is not activated by the time Playful ends, the smallest shark from Chum The Waters will emerge from Fizz’s location.

Shard: Fizz gains increased movement speed while moving through units, and every 10 seconds he will dodge the next incoming champion basic attack.


Galio - Scepter: Increases Hero’s Entrance’s range. On landing Galio gains a maximum health shield, increased movement speed and damage reduction for 6 seconds based on each enemy champion hit.

Shard: Justice Punch has reduced cast time and increased range.


Gangplank - Scepter: Parrrley applies Trial by Fire. This does not give the increased movement speed. Increases Trial by Fire duration and it deals full damage to turrets.

Shard: If Gangplank would die while Remove Scurvy is available, it is automatically cast. This effect has a cooldown. Increases the missing health heal.


Garen - Scepter: Killing a champion with Demacian Justice casts a weaker version on all other enemy champions nearby after a short delay.

Shard: Perseverance triggers after 4 seconds. While Courage is active, Garen has a version of Perseverance that is not interrupted by damage.


Gnar - Scepter: While in Mini Gnar form, GNAR! can be activated to instantly gain 80 Rage. While in Mega Gnar form, GNAR! knocks enemies back further.

Shard: When Mega Gnar picks up the boulder from Boulder Toss, his next basic attack smashes the rock on his target, briefly stunning and dealing damage in an area.


Gragas - Scepter: Barrel Roll’s explosion radius grows over time. Explosive Cask creates eight Barrel Roll barrels in a circle, which automatically explode after 2 seconds.

Shard: Happy Hour reduces the cooldown of all of Gragas’ abilities.


Graves - Scepter: Graves can hold up to four shells, and Quickdraw reloads two shells.

Shard: Smoke Screen has a wider radius and can hold up to two charges.


Gwen - Scepter: Gwen can move during Snip Snip! If she hits an enemy champion with at least three hits from Snip Snip! that champion takes increased damage from Thousand Cuts for 4 seconds.

Shard: Hallowed Mist can be moved up to three times and last 2 seconds longer.


Hecarim - Scepter: Hecarim gains increased movement speed, reduces the effect of all slows on him and is permanently ghosted.

Shard: Rampage’s buff can stack up to six times. Stacks beyond the first two do not reduce the cooldown. Reduces Rampage’s mana cost.


Heimerdinger - Scepter: UPGRADE!!! upgrades Heimerdinger’s next two casts.

Shard: Heimerdinger can have up to five turrets active and hold five turret kits. Turrets can last 50% longer without Heimerdinger nearby.


Illaoi - Scepter: Increases Tentacle size and health. Tentacles can spawn closer to each other.

Shard: Leap of Faith can be cast at a target location to make Illaoi leap to that location. Leap of Faith always summons the max number of Tentacles.


Irelia - Scepter: Vanguard’s Edge creates a second, larger spade-shape of blades around the first one. Each line of blades damage and disarm enemies separately. Grants Irelia 5 movement speed.

Shard: Each cast of Bladesurge grants a buff that increases the damage of Bladesurge, stacking up to three times.


Ivern - Scepter: Freeing a non-buff bearing camp without using Smite makes the camp follow Ivern, attacking enemies that get near. The monsters will focus on enemies Ivern or Daisy attack, root or knock up. Only the last camp freed will follow Ivern.

Shard: Daisy lasts 30 seconds longer. Daisy Smash! creates four shockwaves in each cardinal direction.


Janna - Scepter: Increases the movement speed from Tailwind. Allies in range get the original bonus at all times, and the enhanced movement speed when moving towards Janna.

Shard: Monsoon damages enemies. Reduces Monsoon cooldown.


Jarvan IV - Scepter: Cataclysm creates a volcanic fissure. At the end of the terrain’s natural duration a burst of lava shots up from the ground, damaging enemies caught in it.

Shard: Martial Cadence increases Jarvan IV’s attack speed for his next Basic Attack and refreshes the per-unit cooldown for all other units besides the one he hit.


Jax - Scepter: Grandmaster’s Might’s active component also grants attack damage, attack speed, movement speed and ability haste (does not reduce Grandmaster’s Might’s cooldown).

Shard: Each stack of Relentless Assault converts some of Jax’s attack damage to true damage on hit.


Jayce - Scepter: Lightning Field and Hyper Charge are merged into a single ability that provides Lightning Field’s passive component and both abilities’ active components in either stance. Shifting stance refreshes this ability’s cooldown.

Shard: Changing stance empowers Jayce’s next basic attack with both bonuses (bonus magical damage/shredding armor and magical resistance) and also stuns the target briefly.


Jhin - Scepter: Killing a champion with the fourth shot in Whisper instantly reloads Whisper. Increases Jhin’s fixed attack speed.

Shard: Jhin can hold up to 6 Lotus Traps. Reduces Lotus Trap mana cost and recharge time. Lotus Traps can last twice as long.


Jinx - Scepter: Every third attack with Pow-Pow becomes a Fishbones attack. Fishbones no longer loses attack speed.

Shard: Super Mega Death Rocket can be reactivated to redirect it once. The rocket will stop in place for a second as it turns.


Kai'Sa - Scepter: Killer Instinct damages enemies Kai’Sa passes by and applies a stack of Plasma. Champion takedowns refresh Killer Instinct’s cooldown.

Shard: Kai’Sa’s first basic attack after Supercharge deals bonus damage and applies two stacks of Plasma.


Kalista - Scepter: Kalista and her Oathsworn gain increased armor and magic resistance while near each other. If either dies, the other gains increased attack speed and damage for 5 seconds.

Shard: Pierce deals 200% damage to minions and creates 2 Rend stacks on hit. These additional Rend stacks are added for each enemy Pierce passes through as well.


Karma - Scepter: While Mantra is available Karma regenerates a percentage of her maximum health and mana every second. Casting any Mantra-empowered spell gives Karma increased attack range and bonus magical damage on her next three attacks.

Shard: Soulflare’s exploding field leaves a second field that explodes 1.5 seconds later in a larger area, followed by a third 1.5 seconds later with an even larger area.


Karthus - Scepter: If an enemy champion dies within Defile’s range during Death Defied, Karthus will resurrect at his current location immediately after Death Defied expires. This effect has a cooldown.

Shard: 3 seconds after Requiem deals its damage, a second version starts channeling over all living enemy champions. This second version strikes after another 3 seconds and deals 25% damage.


Kassadin - Scepter: Riftwalk’s mana cost maxes out at 320.

Shard: Null Sphere has increased range and silences for 1.5 seconds.


Katarina - Scepter: Bouncing Blade throws up to three blades at different enemies in an area around the primary target.

Shard: Katarina can cast Shunpo during Death Lotus once without interrupting it.


Kayle - Scepter: Kayle gains the Aflame bonus at level 10 and Transcendent at level 14. Adds the Divine bonus at level 18, granting Starfire Spellblade’s explosion effect to all of Kayle’s attacks. Starfire Spellblade’s empowered attack doubles the explosion range and damage.

Shard: Divine Judgement makes it target immune to crowd control for its duration.


Kayn - Scepter: Once Kayn has transformed, his abilities also gain the bonuses of his other form. He does not gain the passive, however.

Shard: Activating Shadow Step while inside an enemy with Umbral Trespass will massively increase the dash after Umbral Trespass. If he dashes into a wall he will stop inside it, and Shadow Step’s usual indicator will not show up for the duration of this Shadow Step. This Shadow Step will not have its duration reduced by Kayn being in combat prior.


Kennen - Scepter: Slicing Maelstrom lasts 1 second longer and can strike two more times. Slicing Maelstrom can apply Mark of the Storm up to five times.

Shard: Thundering Shuriken pierces enemies and travels 50% further.


Kha'Zix - Scepter: While Unseen Threat is active, Kha’Zix gains vision of isolated enemies in an area around him. Unseen Threat’s empowered attack has increased damage and slow against isolated enemies.

Shard: Allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities. If he’s already leveled all four due to Rengar he instead gains a copy of Rengar’s Bonetooth Necklace passive with 5 stacks.


Kindred - Scepter: Wolf will act as he does during Wolf’s Frenzy at all times. The field from Wolf’s Frenzy will increase Wolf’s attack speed.

Shard: Wolf will periodically mark a camp inside Kindred’s team’s jungle. Each of these marked camps will count as half a regular Mark stack. These marks occur independently of Wolf’s regular marks.


Kled - Scepter: For the first three seconds after being unmounted Kled has increased movement speed and his attacks generate 5 additional Courage. Being unmounted or mounted refreshes Violent Tendencies’ cooldown.

Shard: Successfully pulling an enemy champion with Bear Trap on a Rope fires a Pocket Pistol at the enemy and reduces Bear Trap on a Rope’s cooldown.


Kog'Maw - Scepter: Hitting a champion with Caustic Spittle or Void Ooze causes a Living Artillery shot to drop at their location.

Shard: Bio-Arcane Barrage becomes a toggleable ability that drains mana for each attack.


LeBlanc - Scepter: Whenever Leblanc dashes or teleports with Distortion, she leaves behind a short-lived clone that deals no damage.

Shard: Hitting an enemy with Ethereal Chains launches an additional Ethereal Chain towards the nearest enemy who is not affected Ethereal Chains which deals 20% damage, up to three additional chains.


Lee Sin - Scepter: Dragon’s Rage can be reactivated while the enemy is in the air to teleport Lee Sin to the other side of them and Dragon’s Rage them again for 30% damage. Lee Sin is not affected by blinds or any vision-reducing enemy abilities.

Shard: Resonating Strike deals increased damage. Iron Will grants damage reduction. Cripple cripples enemies and reduces their armor.


Leona - Scepter: Zenith Blade afflicts the champion Leona dashes to with Moonlight. If Leona stuns an enemy with Moonlight, she consumes it to refresh Zenith Blade’s cooldown. Reduces Zenith Blade’s cast time and increases its projectile speed.

Shard: At the end of Eclipse’s bonus duration, the eclipse will explode again. If the explosion hits an enemy, the duration is refreshed again. This can continue indefinitely. Eclipse’s cooldown starts after it fully expires, not on-cast.


Lillia - Scepter: Four seconds after waking up Lilting Lullaby’s sleep, champions will become drowsy and fall asleep again. This second sleep will not deal damage and has 50% duration.

Shard: Swirlseed’s damage increases the longer it travels. Reduces Swirlseed cooldown.


Lissandra - Scepter: Allied champion deaths spawn Frozen Thralls as well. Frozen Thralls are able to attack enemies with attack speed based on Lissandra’s ability haste and damage based on her ability power. Spawns a Frozen Thrall when Frozen Tomb expires.

Shard: Lissandra casts a free Ring of Frost when she blinks with Glacial Path or entombs herself with Frozen Tomb.


Lucian - Scepter: Increases Lucian’s attack range. The second shot of Lightslinger deals bonus damage based on the target’s current health. This bonus damage has a per-unit cooldown.

Shard: Regular basic attacks reduce Relentless Pursuit’s cooldown as well.


Lulu - Scepter: Casting Whimsy or Help, Pix! on an ally will also cast them on the nearest enemy champion in range, and vice versa.

Shard: Wild Growth lasts 10 seconds and the targeted ally heals a percentage of their maximum health every second.


Lux - Scepter: Final Spark has double range and deals a percentage of its damage as true damage.

Shard: All allies shielded by Prismatic Barrier gain bonus true damage on their next basic attack.


M-Z in the comments, this ended up too long for reddit to handle!

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over 3 years ago - /u/Khagneur - Direct link

what a great job you did there!
Sounds like a nightmare to balance tho
5/7 for effort :D