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Hello, I experienced a semi-game breaking bug in URF that happened to a brand using Luden's Echo.

Basically, once brand got Luden's Echo, the passive refilled every second, instead of taking 8-10 seconds of movement/casting spells to refill. This, when combined with his passive, causes everyone afflicted by his burn to constantly take damage from Luden procs every second.

I tried to test this in the practice tool but have been unable to replicate it, leading me to believe it may be an URF specific bug.

The only other information I have is he was using Conquer with sorcery as his secondary, he was on the blue side, he was using Spirit Fire Brand skin, and the only other items in his inventory when the bug started was Sorcerer Boots and Doran's Ring.

EDIT: His runes were Conquer, Triumph, Legend: Bloodlines, Coup De Grace. Then sorcery: Nullifying Orb, Transcendence. They also had the Attack speed, Adaptive Force, and Armor runes.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

I know this bug but I'll not disclose the reproduction or any details to prevent it from being further abused on the live servers.

I did point out the root for this issue that causes this bug to a Rioter before, guess it didn't go into the log or just sits there on low prio. Which is something it shouldn't do, for how simple/standard of a fix it is.

Also, you should probably add a video to this thread, so people can see what exactly Brand is doing to its victims! It's a dumb bug, but looks pretty interesting in action at least!

Hello! Would you mind dming me the reproduction steps?

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

Sure wouldn't mind! Just a minute!

To quickly update on this, we found the cause and pushed a fix to live.

Thanks for your help!