Just had a conversation with this person (who has a sub 47% wr in bronze) about how the only way we can get to diamond is to buy an account.
He claims that cause he was Nami support he had no agency. And while sure, the climb will be harder, he bought TWO control wards the whole game.
It's super easy to blame teammates. I myself have done it so much. But I recently had a coach analyze my game play. Even in cases where I was hard winning, I was being super inefficient and there was so much room for improvement. It would explain why often I hard win early and just throw.
This guy then went on to say: even streamers buy fixed mmr accounts to climb... they then mentioned how when they bought a valorant account in high elo, they actually stayed there because they were good. But the reality is.. many bought accounts in high elo CLEARLY don't belong and it's mainly because of thr demotion shield that people even stay up there.
So yes, the climb is hard, but there are so many tiny things that one could do that they are probably missing completely. If you actually have improved, you will climb eventually.
This defeatist mentality just needs to change. Yes it's hard. But that's part of what makes high elo hard elo. It isn't SUPPOSED to be easy to achieve.
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