Riot Scruffy tweeted:
External link →As we approach PBE for the item system overhaul we wanted to prime some more high level changes and their goals.
Critical Strike:
-Bring a bit more power into the early curve and slightly less exponential payoff
-Broaden the choices for champs building crit
-Critical strike damage reduced to 175% from 200%.
- This pulls power from super late game crit builds and lets us put more power up front from stats (AD and AS)
-Critical strike chance on items reduced to 20% from 25%.
This in combination with adding crit chance to a lot of useful items (Merc Scimitar, Bloodthirster, Mortal Reminder etc.) opens up build choice more dramatically.
These choices become new options at second or third item because they wouldn't derail your DPS completely.
-We will be making sure non crit champs still have access to items with similar niches and are doing some creative things for on-hit champions to open up their options more. Full details on PBE.
You will have to see everything when it comes to PBE to get the full picture, but we want to get goals out there to show the intention for each change.
We'll be sharing a few more changes over the next week before PBE to reduce the amount of overload when it all drops.
Also worth noting - we will do preemtive changes on champs with crit interactions (yasuo, yone, tryndamere) to make sure they are similar power to live and have dynamic choices in the system without having to go over 100%.
Definitely don't worry that this will be a crit champion nerf, we have shifted the power from crit damage into other stats.
Our goal on overall power is no change.