I was going to rant about how god awful my champ is and it got me thinking 'what exactly is the worst ability in league' in the eyes of the community.
Personal nomination; Neurotoxin (Human Elise Q)
Mana: 80-100
Cooldown: 6
Damage: 4% + (0.03 AP)% Current Health damage, plus an additional 40-180.
Reason: It might sound like ok damage on paper, but then you realize the AP ratio is so bad buying botrk and just auto attacking not only cost less but equals the damage (you need 167 AP to even out with 1 auto) it'd do with no direct cooldown or mana cost. It exist purely to chip damage in preparation for venomous bite, but its damage is not that significant (vs. a full HP 1000 health target, rank 5 would do 220 pre-mitigation, a target with 60 MR would lower it to 137.5, and bite would only get...+11 (pre-mitigation again) damage from the base 8% missing health of that.
You spend 100 mana to deal about 13% of the target's health bar with Neurotoxin, and of course there's plenty of variables like your AP, but considering you need 167 AP to hit botrk's auto benchmark, its pretty sh*t in the scaling damage while it has no other bonus effect... even bite leaps the spiderlings and the volatile spiderling (sometimes) while having bonus onhit damage and higher base damage, neurotoxin pretty much exist solely for the chip and getting a spider queen stack doing nothing else for her.
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