Hello Challenger players of reddit!
I am what you would call your "average silver pleb". Op.gg! for reference
Especially in season 9 I pretty much stopped playing Soloqueue after my placement games, despite winning 8 of them and thus barely making it into Silver. I did however play Flex, where I found the quality of games much higher and I made it into Gold with relative ease.
For this season I wanted to change my approach: No more normal games, when ever I played alone, it was going to be Soloqueue.
Winning 6 ouf of my 10 placement games put me into Bronze 4. Well, that was a damper. For those of you unaware, Bronze games are really a coinflip all the time. Sometimes your botlane accumulates 15 deaths in 10 minutes, sometimes they play like Doublelift and Biofrost back in the days. (I mean good, btw!)
I accepted my fate, I wanted to keep playing and after 130 games (roughly) I won my promos for Silver 4.
Back in business baby!
... or so I thought.
I quickly noticed that I often found myself the only Silver player in my lobby. Most of them reached from Iron II to Bronze I, rarely higher than that.
And so I began to wonder, why that would be the case. I did climb all the way from Bronze 4, after all. I often was the best player on my team, I don't die a lot, I ward A LOT, I try to be there when we fight. Clearly, there is a lot of room for improvement, but I found myself Silver worthy, at least.
A quick check on "what's my mmr" sobered me: 750
750 MMR equals Bronze 2.
Why did I even play those 130 games to climb consistently? I hovered at least near 50 % winrate, why would my MMR stay the same?
Maybe some of you have an answer to this question, I am at a loss and suffice to say, I feel very frustrated. Still playing with Iron and low Bronze players means that the average mental stability is close to that of a 4 year old not getting what it wants and then throwing a huge tantrum.
How many more games do I have to play before my MMR reaches Silver level? Why did my MMR get so bad in the first place?
So I can now either keep playing and hope for the best or become a Sett main and smash my way to Gold...
Good luck on the Rift guys and stay healthy!
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