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10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by D4ZR

Phreak talks here about having top lane carries feel good in the late game... which honestly I don't care about.

I might be in the minority here, but I'm just interested in top lane feeling less horrible for the other 80 percent of the game. I think all top lane changes should be completely focused on fixing how a entire game can be UTTERLY lost for top lane in the span of 1 minute. Bad jg gank from a counter pick matchup into getting frozen for 20 minutes OR the other option getting heralded 5 plated and being at an absurd gold deficit.

I'm not interested in aatrox being able to delete champs in 1 combo. I want top lane to be punished less for 1st pick and I want less snowball, less freeze, less unfun bs.

P.S. f**k Aatrox

One of the tasks coming up (IDK if it's on my sprint or not, I wasn't in last week) is identifying what we want the shape of top lane to be in modern League of Legends.

Most players tend to really not like the results of pure split pushing and I think I agree with them. Feels like they single-handedly decide who wins. Compared to a fed ADC, you can usually one-shot the ADC with Rengar or something and at least more people are involved in the game. This is a very short summary, to be clear.

I have ideas. Regardless, there needs to be a holistic look. Top lane in particular probably needs to snowball less, at least in the early game. It probably needs to be less decided by jungle ganks. And we need to figure out what actions a top laner is meant to take after 10 or so minutes into the game. Again, there is a lot to look at here.

What's funny (and this isn't really targeted at you in particular), last time I made a video talking about how I'd like to see top lane be less lethal early on, the big top lane comment was "I just want the game to not be decided by which ADC wins lane." And then I make one where I specifically say I want to bring up late game top lane carry potential, the top comment is how they want the lane to be less fickle. To be clear, I want both of those things. I just think it's funny.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by InfieldTriple

Right, its not really Phreaks job. He is on balance changes, not game design stuff. Maybe he will do some preseason work in that vein but that is not the point of what he can do as far as balance changes are concerned over a short period.

Not really an accurate description of my job, tbh.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by InfieldTriple

Maybe I should clarify, I know you do game design, I meant like I didn't get the impression that you are on the preseason team (which would be responsible for changes like changing how top interacts with the game). And if you are, that is not the purpose of this particular video and the Aatrox change. If that's not fair either, I can delete my comment because apparently I'm woefully uninformed.

Really just depends on the scope of the work. We absolutely can make large systemic changes on the Live pod.