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you are constantly underleveled, underfarmed, underpowered compared to solo laners and have lower impact compared to jungler

be iit early, mid, or lategame, it really doesn't matter, someoen else always has more power and impact then you

who thought it was a good idea to let teh botlaner be lvl 10 when the mid-top is 14 i have no idea

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Marksmen as a class are less dependent on levels (between stat scaling and skill point scaling) than other classes, and scale best off gold over gametime. So while it may be jarring to see you at a level disadvantage, the actual power difference between you and a toplaner is not as large as you'd think.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Surybang1

1 lvl is almost 1k golds so if an Adc is underleveled by 4 lvl + They have bad base stats, can you explain how it’s not as large as we ( all adc players on this planet ) think????

Because the primary output of a marksman is damage (secondary being utility on some marksmen), neither of which are heavily impacted by level scaling, and are instead influenced by gold and base kit utility. Despite being down in levels, marksmen almost always serve their purpose of having the highest damage in the game, which is their most sought after output.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by skenged99

The power difference isn't that large, but toplane champions are generally useful regardless of the situation. Whereas ADC's are forced to rely upon your team to actually be useful.

Marksmen is the biggest coinflip role & there is nothing to compliment that as not only do you have no agency on the map or hardly any in the lane - you also have a random person in your lane who is 30% of the time autofilled.

'marksmen scale best off gold over gametime' Games don't last long enough for marksmen to get 3+ items

Not to mention the limited amount of marksmen viable right now.

D2 EUW btw

In Elite play (Diamond+) there are currently 9 Marksmen above the 50% winrate line, with all of the rest (except Kai'Sa) being above 48%. I'm not sure if you're conflating viability with playrate? Or maybe just their feel? But if your goal is to win games, you aren't losing them by picking marksmen.