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As the title says, I think the new Quickplay release would create an opportunity for Riot to see how the playerbase actually reacts to having no secondary role for Normal Draft games. Obviously that would mean longer queue times, but I think a fairly large number of players would be fine waiting in a longer queue if it meant they got to play the role they wanted and not have to deal with getting offroled, especially for people that play popular roles.

I am curious what the community as a whole thinks about this. Am I in the minority for feeling more frustration than fun when I play a role that I really didn't/don't want to?

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over 1 year ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

If there was a way to guarantee you get to play the fun thing you wanted to play without tradeoffs we'd probably do it. The challenge is that matchmaking just breaks without some kind of load balancing mechanism (secondary roles, autofill), we just can't make matches for some players since there are different selection rates for each role (if they were all 20% we'd be cool) and queue times skyrocket, which makes people stop playing. The data pretty reliably shows that everyone says they're okay with longer queue times, but when they actually get long people stop playing. There's wiggle room with that (e.g. we could do a small increase to queue times for a small increase to match quality and it could be okay) but no load balancing mechanism is a very radical shift.

over 1 year ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Need-Help123456777

Auberaun what projects did you work on today?

Season start 2024 gameplay content and some initial 2025 planning.

over 1 year ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by NullyG

What pings are we losing in 2024? Is someone gonna hurt your fragile ego again with these scary fellas "????" Pathetic.

This is a weird narrative, if you were to go through my match history because I play League regularly (or anyone else's) and find times where I had a bad game any time since the scoreboard pings were introduced you'd find games where I got spam pinged. Devs here don't make changes because of ego, we do it with consideration to data and the actual experience players are having.

over 1 year ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by jason_caine

I guess I'm curious how much longer things would take if the load balancing was either shifted to off roll/autofill people less or was just gone outright. I understand if you can't give an answer without giving away your internal data, but how significantly do those features tend to reduce queue times in average elo or norms?

The simulation hasn't been run in a while but I think it was something like ~4x longer queues, which also doesn't account for the people who'd say "forget this I'm going to go play a different game" who don't get to that point.