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They keep nerfing the only, and i mean ONLY reason people buy that item, which is it's wave clear.

So when people stop buying the item because it's no longer good at wave clear, Riot will remove it.

The one thing i find absolutely hilarious is that Statikk Shiv will probably keeps it's AP ratio to the bitter end because Phreak doesn't want to admit that Reddit was right about this one.

That's at least what i think is going to happen.


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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by elivel

I can see the logic

it would be more efficient on crit oriented champs, and bad on champs like LB on which it's toxic

I still fail to comprehend Reddit's obsession with crit scaling. LeBlanc was good with Shiv because it had an AP ratio. The minion AP ratio got removed. The champion AP ratio got nerfed.

Reddit keeps saying, "Just make it scale off of crit!" but every single tuning lever that matters can be adjusted by:

  1. Base value
  2. AP ratio
  3. Item base stats

What problem are you trying to solve by asking for it to crit? This thing needs to be more powerful late game? That's just level scaling with extra steps. This item needs to be bad on mages? It gives AD/AS/Crit and zero conventional mage stats. Which mage wants that?

Again, the only exclusion here is LeBlanc. And then I point back to the AP ratio that's been nerfed thrice.

So seriously, in all honesty, exactly what outcome are you hoping for with crit scaling?

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by WoonStruck

Nope, not unless I missed something or its not listed in changelogs.

That was just Chemtank, AFAIK.

Edit: checked every official patch note released by Riot. Not a single mention of statikk/energized charge speed or any interactions with it.

Edit2: Apparently it was a PBE change before it was released, which makes saying it happened irrelevant, considering people are talking about the live version's mobility charging via dashes being slowed down further.

Why are you getting downvoted, lmao. You're right.

Love Reddit.