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I went on a huge 20+ game win streak in Gold smooth sailing no extreme trolls.

Then suddenly every game I have inters, AFKers, or troll picks like first game ashe ever going top or teemo support. I check match history and everyone else on my team is on a lose streak with negative winrates and the enemy team is all on huge win streaks with high winrate. The last three games have been against junglers with 100% win rate on enemy team.

It really feels like winners / losers queue is real with matchmaking designed to force you into either a win streak or lose streak likely to maximize engagement and make the game more addicting for higher player counts. Here is a UCLA study showing how this works to maximize player engagement: http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM

What can I do when I’m being matched game after game with lose streak trolls against smurfs? Wait until EOMM decides I’m in winners queue again?

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over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by puddi101

I can't make a statement about winners/losers queue, but what I can say is that human's are very bad at understanding randomness / trusting random sequences.

I can: they don't exist. We do our best to balance queue times and fairness for every game, biasing more for queue times in more casual modes and fairness in the competitive ones (ranked).

Fair matchmaking doesn't mean no streaks and no stomps, and there'll always be areas for us to improve. But there's no wizard behind the curtain intentionally predetermining your games.

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

Maybe at this point, you guys should do a dev article explaining how exactly matchmaking works.

I'd love to (and probably will at some point)! In the meantime, Wild Rift's writeup at a high level is similar enough to what we do on LoL PC, though they are a bit more modern than us in a few matchmaking areas.