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Title. I have played League since season 2, so I am a veteran of the game and also a masters + player.

Something that intrigued me upon looking up the GOL.GG stats is that Vi was nearly never picked in competitive play in any pro league after season 4 until season 2022, when Vi, without substantial changes to her kit (whether in the form of a mini-rework or buffs) became 30%+ presence in pro play at 2022 worlds. (SOURCE

Now some say this was in response to the meta at the time. Ahri and Zeri were power picks, and Vi was a counter or synergized with these champs, hence the fact Vi became a common pick.

...but moving forward into season 2023, 2024 and now 2025 Vi has remained a pro staple even upon receiving substantial nerfs and through various meta changes.

Were pros really just ignoring that Vi was a powerful champ all along? Could teams have had success playing Vi in seasons 7, 8, 9, 10 for example?

Or did the game change in some fundamental way that I am missing? Rarely does a champ go from nearly 0.00% presence to being an LCK and LEC staple with only minor changes to their kit.

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3 days ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

I'm guessing patch 11.22 had a lot to do with it. She still didn't get picked for a while after, but that patch made her significantly more consistent in executing her combos. Sometimes it can take a while for changes like that to catch on, especially on a champion who had been considered weak in pro for years.