Original Post — Direct link

First tweet:

A follow-up message from Riot Brightmoon and Riot Meddler on behalf of the League team.

We know we failed to deliver some stuff that really matters to you folks. We want to share some thoughts and talk about how we're working to do better.

Context of tweet: The last cinematic that launched came out to very negative reviews, with various Riot employees voicing their opinions on social media, and some even mentioning death threats being sent to them. This resulted in an official Riot post a few days ago, and now, an official video from Brightmoon and Meddler discuss their thoughts on many things players have been complaining about, including Game Modes, transparency, communicatoin, etc.

Second tweet:

Some of the things we're committing to:

— A 2024 Season Start, champion-led cinematic.

— Improving events and new modes including one this summer.

— Continued investment in League's tech.

— Better communication (more regular, transparent, proactive, etc).

External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by TGWBSlimestone

Cool, why didn't they just include those infos (especially like the gamemode stuff) in the dev videos?

In retrospect, yeah, most of this should have either been in the recent dev videos or should have been things we brought up with you all last year.

There are also a couple of things, like the recently prototyped game mode I mention, that didn't exist when we were producing those videos in November and December.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by jferry12

Really glad they opened up and explained almost everything going on plus their future plans. Really really hope they come through and that they do indeed be more transparent and more open to communication.

We tried to cover as much as we could in a short amount of time (I already think 8 min is a long ask) so while we didn't cover everything we will continue to have updates on more parts of the game in the coming weeks and months

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by darkacesp

Ehhh not sure how much I like that game mode, it seems like a random idea, maybe it’ll work but it’s also not really a PvE mode like many want, which I’m glad about. The PvE modes were boring and everyone forgets how much of a shit show it was to get missions done cause they needed some specific thing.

If anything a new game mode they can bring back that doesn’t evolve an event and can be properly maintained is an okay thing.

Based off what we've prototyped so far I think that one will be a game mode that works really well for some players and isn't of much interest to others. If you're looking for things like a focus on tactical champ v champ combat, figuring out which pairings of champions work best together and how builds should change in this context, this mode could be pretty exciting. If you're looking for different experiences, then yeah, might not be the right fit.

We're working to get back to offering a wider variety of modes for a range of different tastes. This is the example we were best placed to talk about today and we figured more transparency and specificity on what we trying than we've been offering recently was important, even if this example wouldn't appeal to everyone watching

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by gaom9706

Know what, I haven't seen the video yet, but f**k it.


I understand wanting to just push this stuff out, but damn at least upload it to your YouTube channel or something.

Lemme ask about getting it onto YouTube as well if it's not already being done.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by kohwahskee

I'm pretty sure they're one game mode. 4 teams of 2 with a death match style game mode

Yeah, that's the intent. 4 teams of 2 players, matchmaking against a random other pair each round, buy items and gain levels between rounds. Lose enough rounds and you get eliminated. Still figuring out a lot of the details in terms of how many rounds, map layout etc.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by BurrStreetX

More of this, please. Communication. Taking accountability. Dont let this be a one off thing, KEEP communicating with us.

I respect yall for this. But again, PLEASE continue this moving forward, dont just be reactive, please be proactive.

We know things take time, we know theres tons of stuff on the backend that happen, and we dont blame the individual employees. Just please, dont leave us in the dark, keep us updated moving forward.

We love teasers, and ARG's, and hints at new champs. We love deep and rich lore. We want that love in LOL again.

Going to do our damnedest. Looking to be a lot more proactive where we haven't been recently, I expect there'll also be some emergent stuff where reactive discussions are also needed too though (in addition, not instead)

What's your preference on format? I tend to favor text blogs or similar just personally (hate being on camera most of the time), but I realize a lot of people tend to prefer video content regardless.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by DKRFrostlife

I like they communicated and at least they are aware of what we've been complaining about. I think they put a massive emphasis on the cinematic, which i don't think it was the biggest issue, but just the nail in the coffin.

They've been talking about how they have lost work-force during pandemic and if it's true they've been rebuilding, i would not expect much for this early 2023. Hopes for a good 2nd half of 2023 and a good 2024 (15 year anniversary tho)

Ah, apologies if we put a bit too much weight on the cinematic in our delivery. We wanted to cover that up front as the most recent thing, the trigger for talking like this in a much rougher than usual format, as something that was extra painful given other misses. Didn't want to convey we thought it was the central or key issue.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by LoyaltyLlama

The cinematic thing still baffles me. Why not just tell us beforehand that there won't be a cinematic this year, and be transparent about the staffing issues BEFOREHAND? The playerbase are real people who understand that the world can be a tough place right now, and that is transpires into things like as quality of cinematic productions. It's frankly more insulting that they even had the slightest hunch that it would be received well, hence why they released it.

We absolutely should have. I pushed for us to make something when it became clear we wouldn't have a cinematic. Brink of Infinity wasn't meant to be a replacement for the CG but it certainly felt that way and taught me to never bring a blueberry muffin to a birthday if everyone is expecting I'm going to bring a birthday cake

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by DanDevito42

Any plans to let SR camera perspective be side-agnostic?

It's something we'd like to offer, hence inclusion in Wild Rift for example. With the way Summoner's Rift was built it would require some pretty substantial overhaul's to the map's art unfortunately. Whenever's the right time to update the map as a whole we'll definitely do camera stuff like that.

I think the current version of SR has held up really well visually, but it's certainly going to hit a point sometime where the amount of stuff, both overall appearance and opportunities like that one, makes the case for another full update

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Speedy24gaming

Ok i know it’s been a bad start but Jesus it sounded like they were talking about a person who died recently not a game that had a mediocre to bad year.

  1. Working on a game you also really love, missing the mark on stuff, seeing everyone else sad and upset about that does feel really bad

  2. I'm not the most emotive person to begin with when doing stuff like this and tend to hate being on camera, so apologies there...

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by orbitalpangolin

I feel like this didn't address any of the complaints regarding VGUs/ASUs. Would love to hear about anything there, even if its just stuff super early on (I know there's an ASU happening for a male champ, but I feel like 1 a year is way too low).

Regardless, the communication is welcomed and would love to hear more.

One of the things we're doing is team changes so we can have more than one ASU underway at once. We're aiming to share a few details soon on that (hopefully a couple of champs we're targeting and our best guess as to timelines)

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by ledestroninator

I want Riot Meddler to dominate me on top lane


about 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Going to do our damnedest. Looking to be a lot more proactive where we haven't been recently, I expect there'll also be some emergent stuff where reactive discussions are also needed too though (in addition, not instead)

What's your preference on format? I tend to favor text blogs or similar just personally (hate being on camera most of the time), but I realize a lot of people tend to prefer video content regardless.

Puppet shows?

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Pope_Cheetos_XIV

I hope so too, but I wouldn't be surprised if "upgrading" the summer event just meant adding small animations to their now yearly VN event. The age of huge events like OG Star Guardian or Odyssey seems long gone

Things I'm confident enough to mention: - Game mode (2v2v2v2) as per the video, that I'm personally really optimistic will be a very fun experience - We're not doing a visual novel. We're prototyping a different take on a meta experience instead. Happy mentioning that, work isn't yet far enough along to offer any more, though will do so in following months be it what's working or what didn't - A new thematic for the event that pairs well with the 2v2v2v2 game mode concept (so not a return of any of the existing ones).

Beyond that - Not sure yet, will keep you folks posted. I don't think we'll hit the scope of the Odyssey event, but are certainly working to rebuild ability to run varied events regularly.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

Can you confirm if a champion-led cinematic was what was planned, but wasn't finished in time (or otherwise delayed/cancelled)?

It was planned, got scripted, we got partway through development. The reason it didn't get finished is something I can't share specifics on, and I'm really sorry about that because I know it's a frustrating answer. I can say I'm very certain we won't hit the same issue with a cinematic for next year's season start.

Edit: Actually, to add a bit of tangibility - we saw some speculation that Aatrox would be in the season start cinematic because of the Aatrox ward skin, just like Ornn and the Ornn ward skin last year. That was indeed the plan, Aatrox was one of the featured champions.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Kolter7

I don't want to be rude or anything and maybe I am being ignorant about it but how come you as a team having the budget an a great team to work in the cinematic thought the 2023 cinematic was a good teaser?

Feels like you had problems of time or you just had to do a video but you didn't planned well or so but on the twitter video you said you just failered to deliver but that seems odd, the last year cinematic was awesome and the one this year is lackluster but there are no real reason, you just didn't make that well? The differences are notable

Brink of Infinity (what shipped earlier this week) isn't what we were originally building. Once we knew we wouldn't be able to deliver a cinematic like other season starts we looked at what we could do with limited time, Brink of Infinity was the result. It wasn't intended to be a replacement or at the same level as a regular cinematic, thinking was it would be better to try something that do nothing. In retrospect we should have definitely talked to you all in advance about how things had gone wrong and arguably might still have been better off not shipping Brink of Infinity (was something not up to standard much worse than nothing etc)

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Piercingforce

Is there any notion of the lore drought coming to an end in the upcoming year? It seems like there is an issue with a complete lack of stories coming out outside of the new champion releases. There are still some questions that I know the lore community wants answered but just haven't received any content.

Chatting with some folks to see what I can share on the lore side of things. Might not have an answer for you today, but posting to at least clarity not ignoring or missing this question.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Lemme ask about getting it onto YouTube as well if it's not already being done.

Ah ok, yeah, as some folks have mentioned below apparently thinking was that this is pretty janky, quickly thrown together stuff compared to what we normally use the YouTube channel for, so some potential weirdness and clash of expectations from putting it there. Still discussing, but was a deliberate choice not a failure to think about YouTube

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by justinotherpeterson

I know these 2 probably don't have much to do with the Esports side of LoL but it would be nice to get something like this about the state of LCS. A lot of people on this sub and other places think they are setting up the LCS to die with its new schedule and I can't blame them. You should not be scheduling the LCS in the middle of the day while their whole fan base is working. This is a North American league, let North Americans be able to watch it.

I believe we've got some thoughts on the LCS being shared sometime next week

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by LargePopsicles

Damn they didn't say client when they mentioned the tech investments.

Client work is part of the tech investment section. Didn't have any specifics to mention, and some of the work will take quite a while, so didn't want to build up expectations by using it as an example. Definitely one of the areas of investment though

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by YoooJan

The fact that Riot let TFT kill the gamemodes team is honestly embarrassing. Does Riot just not hire new people? Last year all these Rioters were leaving LoL to go on the MMO or Project L team, did Riot ever try to fill their places?

A brief timeline:

  1. We identify TFT as something we want to build and think it's something a lot of League players will love. We draw on a few different teams, with the League Modes team being the largest source of developers for the project
  2. TFT launches, I think hits the mark well, and initially we're pretty focused on stabilizing the game and team. There's extremely high overlap between League and TFT players at this point, so we feel we're serving mode interest well for League players
  3. The games become more independent, playerbases separate etc. This is where I think we f*cked up in retrospect, failing to realize we needed to put more priority on rebuilding the modes team, since investment in TFT was great for TFT players but wasn't delivering for League players. We did get a replacement team in place, who did some great work under the circumstances IMO (e.g. I think Ultimate Spellbook's a really good mode, as is the art update Nexus Blitz got). It wasn't a large enough or well supported enough team to get more old modes back or build additional new modes however
  4. That rebuilt team hit some issues in 2022. We've since rebuilt the team, with a lot of extra folks and filling in some missing expertise. This year should be better from a modes perspective as a result and we'll share details on a few different modes (some old, some new) we're looking at in March most likely
about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Dracyoshi

If you've got thoughts on what format you might want to see that stuff in; y'know, is that high production videos? Quick blog posts like this one? Is that social media? Please let us know.

In terms of format, I prefer text posts. Twitter videos are my least-favorite, especially because they don't have captions. Personally I have trouble holding my concentration on speech at times, and I'm sure that those who are hard of hearing would appreciate it.

Besides that, I'd like to have a hub for Riot communication. Right now @LoLDev and /r/leagueofriot are the only communication hubs that I know of and I'm sure that many users don't even know about them. It would be ideal if there were a one-stop shop on the official League of Legends website that reposted relevant tweets, Reddit comments, YouTube videos, and etc.

And I believe that the best way to achieve that would be to repost communication from websites besides Twitter on the @LoLDev account, potentially even integrating that feed within the client itself— something that would be both highly visible and convenient.

Besides the fatal mistake of not being proactive about revealing that development struggles have led to a cinematic that missed expectations, I'm actually quite satisfied with the communication we've been getting lately. It puts other companies to shame. The biggest problem is the lack of visibility.

Thoughts appreciated on mediums and channels. Agree on visibility being an issue, though I do think we should be doing better on approach and what we talk about too, in addition to better visibility

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Business-Relative-86

Basically it's them admitting that they were too passive in 2020 and 2021 in trying to replace their talent loss and they're just now at a place where things are back on track.

2023 will most likely be another lean year, but at least, now we know that, starting from 2024 it'll get much better.

2023 should have more in it than 2022. Some things do take quite a while to ramp up and deliver so will take multiple years, other stuff will be quicker however

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

Thanks for at least sharing what you can. Everyone definitely thought it would be centered on aatrox like last year's was ornn.

He technically did end up in the cinematic anyway... lol

"He technically did end up in the cinematic anyway... lol"

Oof. I mean, you're not wrong but...

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Will Aatrox end up in the next cinematic? It would be great for champs on the roster who haven't really been promoted (like Aatrox! Kog!) to have their moment in the sun.

I'm not sure yet. One of the options being discussed for that 2024 cinematic is to make what we intended to make for 2023 with some adjustments to tie into planned themes for 2024. Very possible we do that, also very possible we go in a different direction.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Leyin99

just dropping by, feeling really generous right now seeing you and Brightmoon just talking about some future stuff, kinda reminds me of the old QGT days on the boards. Really hope things can get turned around

I miss those days, despite some issues I did enjoy doing posts through Boards. Going to get back into more comms this year, I stopped in large part because I felt I couldn't talk about the state of the meta and game balance sufficiently anymore (just not close enough to that work compared to before) and that's such a big focal point for player discussion. Definitely a lot of other topics worth covering too in retrospect, even if I'll have to defer to others on balance discussions etc

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by casiameh

I think sticking to Aatrox could be a good idea, I saw so many people looking forward to seeing him ever since the ward got on PBE (myself included) so I hope he will stay as one of the champions options!

I'll represent that feedback (and the folks who'll be building a plan for said cinematic are likely lurking here too, so they should also be seeing your thoughts direct)

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by warpenguin55

Thank you for not running back the VN. I liked it, but I was getting really sick of it

Yeah, I think the first time actually worked really well (it was novel, pardon the phrase...) but trying to run it back didn't work well.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Peaky_Blinders

just want Nexus Blitz back or some gamemode other than summoners rift where you can pick your own champ..

I don't know when yet, but in addition to the 2v2v2v2 mode mentioned we'll also be bringing Nexus Blitz back. Realize we said that last year and failed to do so, so not going to guess a timeframe without some confidence, but do want to mention we haven't just forgotten it, aren't ignoring it or anything similar

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by TheDildoProphet

Any chance at a comment on bots in low elo?

Improvements to anti-cheat we mention in the video will improve bot detection amongst other things

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by andehh_

some old

Hope this includes Nexus Blitz. The art update was fantastic and it's the only thing me and my friends want to play - anecdotal sure but feels like a lot of work gone to waste if we never see it again.

New mode you talked about elsewhere sounds fun too ^_^

Not going to try and make any promises about when, especially after missing last year, but we haven't forgotten/aren't ignoring NB and will be bringing it back

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Heyzuzz

He's just saying that the Summer event won't be a VN.. I really don't expect them to drop the format considering the first event of the year is another one.

We don't currently have a VN underway or planned. Not saying we won't ever do one again, maybe we will if we can find a way to make it feel fresh again. Nothing current being worked on in that regard though

about 2 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Client work is part of the tech investment section. Didn't have any specifics to mention, and some of the work will take quite a while, so didn't want to build up expectations by using it as an example. Definitely one of the areas of investment though


about 2 years ago - /u/HansAxel - Direct link

Originally posted by Lucentus

Is there any chance he’ll still be the focus of next years cinematic? As an Aatrox main I was hyped to see him and i’m disappointed if this was his missed chance to have a cinematic around him

For next year’s release we’ll have brainstorming and writing sessions (as we always do, incl. the one we were mid-flight in until we couldnt deliver), and our goal will be to tell the best stories possible and ones that match the theme or logline we have in mind. So no guarantees, but the feedback here def. will be considered

about 2 years ago - /u/HansAxel - Direct link

Originally posted by BessKat

Is it the same as other champions that are featured in the Season 2023 missions?

Every year we get missions with champions shards from the champions that appeared in the cinematic, and this year the champions are Aatrox, Yorick, Katarina, Wukong, Pantheon, Sejuani, Zed and Yasuo, all of them were supposed to appear?

Being honest, I hope you guys bring these champions in the next year cinematic (Or other cinematics) since I'm pretty sure a lot of mains expected to see them and got disappointed, after all they are being promoted like other years when champions appear.

The champions featured in the Season 2023 missions actually match the lines delivered in The Brink of Infinity. So the story we had planned to tell in the champion-driven cinematic (before it got shelved) is not related to all the champs in the missions.

Our goal will be to brainstorm and write the best stories possible, so even if your fav. champ doesnt appear we hope it’ll still be memorable

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Is there any small chance that the incomplete, cutting room floor, concept art version of the 2023 cinematic be released? That would make up so much for this year. IT literally could just have random LoL music playing over it that is how good the Music team is now.

If we don't end up going forward with some or all of the original intent then yeah, I'd be down to work on getting a bunch of concept art out. Don't want to do so just yet in case we conclude best option is to complete things as originally planned (would undercut things if so)

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler would know why the personalization content roadmap was so sparce in season start this year, one of the highlights in years past was hearing about more new skins and thematics and only hearing about a smaller list and 1 new thematic was a bit slow

The skins team was one of the groups that needed some rebuilding and support in 2022. We should be able to deliver about the same amount of personalization content in 2023 as in 2022, weren't in a position to have someone speak to it cohesively as much when we were filming those videos though. One thing we'll be particularly focused on as well is having new thematics for biggest events (Worlds, MSI, Summer etc), rather than going back to established ones like Project, Star Guardian etc again

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotGraydiance - Direct link

Originally posted by Retrodonte

Hi, thanks for answering here. Something I wish for RGMs is to have more and less overproduced gamemodes. I feel like back in the day other from dark star, odyssey and star guardians, gamemodes were much more silly but we had more variety. Like they would throw one for all there, didn't change the rules of any map in comparison to normals in sr or twisted treeline and aram in howling abyss, and have them be the same thing changing maps.

For example hexakill in sr, hexakill in tt, ofa in sr, ofa in ha. Nowadays it seems like riot tries to bring out perfect gamemodes which alter a lot of rules that we were familiar with (and that imo makes the new thing about the gamemode shine less, it's also tedious to put up with a new "gamemodes meta", for ex: rushing turret plates in gamemodes which give you a ton of gold early and distorts a lot what should be similar to a normal game). I would prefer to have "less balanced" games with normal death timers and gold earning but maybe I'm a minority here.

To further clarify what I said there, when I'm playing one for all for ex, I want to focus on the fact that we are 5 zeds and what kind of plays can we make, not on different turrets, lower objective timers and stuff like that. If it were the same as a normal game but letting me pick 5 repeated champs I think it would stand out more.

Please lower death timers for all gamemodes that aren't normals summoner's rift, please

Hey there! I'm Graydiance, a game designer who swapped over to Modes from Wild Rift with the new year! I'm one of the designers now working on ARAM, and I can confirm we're actively looking into timers and other frustration points, like the turret rubble. Coming from Wild Rift, I'm learning a lot about how the games are both very similar and very different. One thing holds true in both - League's a game where often the best way to make sure the game ends is to remove people from the map. But, this isn't exactly fun, and we recognize that and emphatically agree with how the community feels.

We are trying a variety of solutions to make sure that if we change something frustrating, we aren't creating a different pain immediately. I didn't want to overshoot a death timer change in 13.1 because we didn't have a lot of time to test whether games would stall out with the Hexgates. We're doing that diligence now and will have something to share soon. We may not get it right the first time, but I promise we're committed to listening and trying again until we do.

As for less polished things that are less balance-focused - I completely hear this and I was personally really excited to join this team because everyone is eager to experiment. It's going to take us some time - I'm learning as fast as I can! - but the enthusiasm of the community truly is mirrored by our new Modes team.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotGraydiance - Direct link

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey! It looks like you don't have a Riot tag. I'll ping /u/codersanchez so that your responses get aggregated into /r/LeagueOfRiot :)

Oh I totally spaced out on this - I have a riot flair on the WR sub, but not here. I can reach out myself to them too! Thanks for the help haha