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Runes are flooded with it, potions are everywhere now. Items have + healing and those who often heal (supports) are flooded with ap/mana/cdr to spam healing. So many new champions/reworks have healing in their kits. Then to top it off everyone just buys corrupting/refill potion so there is no potion cost for taking poke (if you don't have enough from runes to sustain.

The games legit just a try blow everyone up in .5 seconds from full. There is no managing your health/mana/cds.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Myreque_BTW

To every other comment in this thread atm - he's not talking about the item. Morello is the guy the item's named after. He was very focused on keeping healing in check.

If you say my name three times into Reddit, it summons me from the netherrealm.

over 5 years ago - /u/MorelloRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by kaddavr

Dang, first comment in like six months? Feels like people gotta say your name AND add some respect to it.

Any chance you would do an update (in text or video, whatever) on your thoughts about the current state of the game? I know the standard answer is "I don't play that much anymore" or "i'm not in that division anymore" or "I don't want to speak for others in that department." But, still, do it.

Not likely, I don't really play lol much since I moved to R&D, so don't have enough relevant insight