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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Yuumi has simultaneously been one of the most frustrating and most popular/played champs in the game. We think there’s a better place for Yuumi where we can deliver on her gameplay fantasy for her players while also making her less frustrating to play against. In this patch, we’re giving Yuumi a decently sized nerf to temporarily address some of her more frustrating features and curbing her power in both Elite and Pro play. However, we definitely don’t see this as the final, long-term solution for this champion.

We’ve started work on a larger scale Yuumi rework to help this cat land in a much healthier spot. We want to highlight what Yuumi as an attached, untargetable enchanter can provide to her team. As an early goal, we want to limit her aggressive CC outputs/damage, emphasize more defensive/enchanter outputs, reduce her scaling, and make her more dependent on her own lane's success to win games. We’ll have some more news to share on this in the future, but for now we appreciate your patience as we work on Yuumi.

That is a lot of words for saying that she won't be fixed until her midscope happens.

Edit: misquoted a few things

The intention is to bring her out of meta for pro and optimized play until we can finish reworking, similar to Zeri. The hope is that we don't need to bring her quite as far down as we did Zeri (Worlds was a real risk).

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Shitconnect

Buffing Sion is such a huge mistake

I pitched this buff; Sion is struggling even with his best builds (after the tank item changes), and so long as we continue to encourage his tank (and not split push) builds, he should be a healthy champion.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Why isn't there more tank legendary items follow up with this patch? Mythics finally feel TANKY, which is good compared to last two years where tanks got all damage from mythics.

I want to see other first item tank options that are more satisfying. E.g. Abyssal if you could build it with Bami's would be a cool MR first item rush.

I frequently build Sunfire+Abyssal combo into AP tops as tank, it's very effective. Bami -> Catalyst -> Abyssal -> Sunfire.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

The 5 preset rune pages have been removed.

Finally. How will this affect new accounts that doesn't have access to editing rune pages but still have access to preset pages?

They'll be able to edit rune pages and use the Recommender right from the start now. The preset pages were there to not have to introduce players to complexity too early on, but now you can just click a button and get a good rune page.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by BurrStreetX

Ally 1 -> Ally 5 have been renamed to Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Krug, and Scuttle Crab for improved clarity around who is speaking in champion select chat.

I love this so much. Whoevers idea this was, please come forth

hi. I think it was either phlox or me

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Good to know, I would also want to know if the favorite option in champ select has been fixed to not reset after closing the client. It probably is but not fully sure based on the wording.

Not entirely sure what you mean. It will default to "Sort by Favorite" now, and if you change that it should remember what you changed it to between champ selects.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by gazow

why not just call them the assigned roles... top mid adc...

Because when people role swap it could be confusing if their name in chat is actually different from the role they're playing.

about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by DanielDKXD

Fixed a bug that caused Program Camille’s VOs to play globally for allies and enemies if she was outside of the Fog of War

Thanks for finally fixing this, having camille in my team was driving me insane. It was only one of her skins and not all? felt like it was every game.

Fixed a bug where Skarner’s W would reset an in-progress basic attack

Would be really really nice if they do the same for Orianna, her auto reset's when the ball return. Here is a clip of it happening, forcing orianna to use W to not lose the cs https://youtu.be/1qmKWmxz8Ps

My god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.

about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by GalaxySmash

My god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.

I'll see about getting it fixed