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about 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Killing the 0-4 laner again vs collecting Bounties, atleast that's most likely the case here.

Also Sneaky's Mythic (Galeforce) has it's power mainly in its active that he already used and Graves' Mythic (Shieldbow) passive was still up (and also stronger IMO). Then there is also the fact that Sneaky bought a PD + Cloak, which are very shitty damage items.

Graves also gets an absurd amount of bonus armor through Quickdraw.

His armor was 204 at the start of the fight and 240 at the end with just Plated Steelcaps (Ninja Tabi). For reference, he's getting 108, then 144 armor through Quickdraw at 6, then 8 stacks.

So to be clear, this is much more a case of, "Wow, late-fight Graves is nigh-invincible to physical damage."

about 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

That on top of it too yes. An LDR would've been way better in this fight than PD.

Sure, but I'm not sure you can ever call LDR second the correct build overall.

I think PD second is pretty terrible, especially on a high-AS champion like Jinx, but regardless this is mostly a Graves thing.