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Just wanted to clear this up, since most of the people confuse them. Yes Riot did indeed make rank of smurf accounts lower, but not their MMR. This eventually means that they might be silver instead of gold, but they will still play gainst plat-dia opponents. This new change basically made it slower to climb for smurfs, but they will play still in same MMR as last season so their smurfing wont affect low elo as much as u think. This might actually make smurfs make less accounts. Just wanted to say this because most of the people commenting on these new changes dont know what MMR is.. :)

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

I posted this in the other thread on this topic, but I wanted to clarify that we didn't actually change the climb. The tweet from our support account was incorrect - sorry for the confusion :(

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by xMetix

Or it's just PR and he's talking bullshit. My and everyone else's subjective feelings are that we are playing against people two tiers above us and I want to see legit evidence that will prove me wrong. Otherwise it's my word against his word.

That's fair - I didn't back this up with anything other than "we didn't do what that tweet said we did". I provided no evidence because I don't have proof of things we didn't do, but stay tuned and we'll share more of our plans and what we intend to do to make the system more fair and transparent moving forward