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/u/RiotScruffy tweeted:

We have a Wukong Hotfix coming to you this afternoon. He's really fun now, but needs a slight nerf:

-Passive :: 8 >>> 10 stacks. 62.5% >>> 50% per stack

-W Cost :: 60 >>> 80-40

-W Clone Damage :: 50 - 70% >>> 40 - 60%

-Base HP/5 :: 5 >>> 4

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Scrizal

I rarely see karma players go full ape though. Her "planned rework" aimed to make her a more powerful support when she's an already fine support. So they scrapped it.

And then comes the sweet sweet nerf hammer to her Q ap ratio...

Feel like sh*t, just want my damage back

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Say what you want, but nothing is more mindless than sunfire tanks. The definition of zero skill gameplay. At least Wukong is squishy enough to require a shred of thought in his playstyle.

I hope neither ever get to be the optimal way to play the game, and for the same reason.

The vast majority of players have no idea how to play a tank tho

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by 912at

So much fun playing one of the worst champions by winrate :D

Idk about Akali, but Irelia is still an absolute blast to play.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Silver-Velvet

Good thing you don't need to know how to play them, then. You can't really mess anything up, and you are tanky enough that mistakes rarely matter, and you still have the damage to kill people much more fed than the tank is. Sadly, we are once again getting to a point where tanks just have no skill requirement, deal enough damage where squishy damage dealers are simply a worse option, and their itemization is both too cheap, and vastly overtuned compared to their price, providing both high offensive and defensive power at the same time, without actually paying for it.

We had a few good years, I guess.

I don't know what reality you're living in, but it's certainly not this one