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over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by czartaylor


low elo is iron to gold. scaling is being readjusted from a sliding scale of 54.5% to 52.5% win rate at 7-35+% ban rate moving to 54-52.5% win rate at 7-35+% ban rate.

High elo is being reframed from plat 4 - grandmaster to plat 4 - diamond 3. new sliding scale, formerly 54-52% at 7-35+% ban rate moving to 53.5%-52% win rate at 0-35% ban rate.

elite elo is being moved from purely challenger to being d2+. previously required a greater than 45% ban rate. Win rate is not a factor at this elo.

now requires greater than 50% ban rate on previous patch and current patch


54-52.5% win rate with 7-35+% ban rate. Win rate now is a factor

Pro play now requires 95% presence in a single patch for the auto nerf threshold to kick in from 90% for one patch. 85% over two patches remains unchanged. Now worlds patch and MSI patch have a 5% lower threshold for auto nerfs to kick in, from 0%. Autonerf thresholds for patches including the MSI/worlds patch is now 90% over one patch and 80% over two patches

In addition, riot is now monitoring the % total of champions that riot considers viable at all elos including pro play, and will nerf/buff accordingly beyond the thresholds. These will be long term changes, not short term knee jerk changes. Riot will not be creating solo queue or pro play problems to buff one of the numbers up, so the changes will be more long term. For instance, if riot is one champion under the low elo win rate threshold, they won't buff azir to create a pro play nightmare just to clear the threshold for solo queue.

The new thresholds for viability are

99% considered viable in all of SR games (normals and ranked)

95% considered viable in all of solo queue

80% of champions have a greater than 48.5% win rate in iron - diamond 3.

45% of champions have greater than a 7.5% pick/ban rate in diamond 2+

45% of champions have greater than a 5% pick/ban rate in pro play.

EDIT: GBW corrected me, it's not the patch of MSI/Worlds where the threshold is reduced, it's serveral patches before.

tightening pro bands for msi/worlds happens a few patches before those event patches, since there are often large time gaps between them and playoffs.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Knox627

What's the point of updating the framework if the balance team isnt going to follow it anyway? Just two patches after introducing the first iteration of the framework, you buffed ashe who was at 51% in plat+. Buffed Soraka who was sitting at 50%. Even now, for 10.14, they're buffing Khazix and Alistar when both are around 50%. These are just a few of the many examples. Literally every patch they're buffing someone who is way above the threshold. What is the point of this framework?

framework is for balance outliers. it doesn't mean no other changes are allowed / champions aren't allowed to move within the bands. Usually these changes are driven by attempts to improve design / fun / QoL rather than any balance goal, and balance will be assessed after (though of course we estimate before and try not to break bounds)

additionally now, some of these changes will be balance driven, as attempts to buff champs that are marginally viable in one player bracket, even if they are already viable in another (so long as we don't think the buff will put them over the line in any bracket)

and finally, yes, the data publicly available often does not match the data we see

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by esbedacle

so after the latest round of buffs, ryze still fits the criteria(minus the pro play, because no major league has played in current patch yet), at least from the data we have accessible.

does that mean he'll get more buffs, even though he's one good buff away from busted(because of the absurd base stats he currently has)?

he will if he doesn't show up in pro again. general desire is that if a champ has to be horrible for everyone else, it should be at least somewhat relevant in pro

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by the_next_core

What I have gathered is that Riot feels there are too few changes from patch to patch now so they are moving the bars to make the meta more exciting.

we've been using this version for a few patches at this point

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Ryuumoku

Why the pickrate isnt accounted ?

An Ezreal at 50% wr and 40pickrate isnt same or weaker than Vayne at 52% wr and 12% pickrate for example.

pickrate represents a lot more than just power - namely popularity. we aren't interested in a world where we take all the most popular champs and just nerf them, and buff all the unpopular champs so people have to play things they don't want to if they want to win. we want people to play the champs they like and not feel like they are making a mistake by selecting ezreal.

This is complicated further by a competing goal - we do want a diversity of champs. We do want a wide variety of champions to be played so that each game is different from the last. Currently we feel winrate for balance bands, with banrate informing "hey your champs too frustrating so we are stricter on winrate" combines nicely with "99% of champs are viable for these players" to compromises both of these goals. We attempt to ensure no popular champ is too powerful, and no unpopular champ is unpopular simply because they are weak.

pro is an exception where pick rate is used due to a mixture of sample size limits and the fact we general consider that pros prioritize playing to win much more than to have fun.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by WoodyBolle

Gotta say I love your name lmao

thanks woody

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by furfucker69

52% winrates champ with 0% ban rate in platinum gonna get nerfed? that's half the roster. epic move riot

i believe you've misread Mr/Ms.furf*cker69. for skilled (plat group) the threshold is 52.5% if they have 5x the average banrate.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by MagicianXy

yes, the data publicly available often does not match the data we see

And this is the biggest reason why this framework is not that useful for us as players. Like, great, we can see the criteria that Riot is using to determine balance... but we can't verify anything on our end. So the end result is that we just have to trust that you guys truly are going to adhere to the framework. Are there any plans on making these numbers public?

I'm in agreement with you here - I think its a bit silly we allow scrapping websites to gather incomplete winrate data rather then either not releasing any data or just releasing all of it. but i don't think we have any plans to make that data public.

I don't know all the arguments for or against this so I don't really feel like I can have a conversation about it here.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

What's up beluga,

I'm curious to know your thoughts regarding Ryze's mechanics (and how balance changes are using them). Recent changes have focused on base stat improvements and base damage adjustments of various kinds, with the exception of the movespeed changes.

Is this the agreed-upon path forward if Ryze doesn't show up in pro? Are more fundamental kit changes on the table? It doesn't seem like the current kit is receptive to more focused changes (specific to pro vs. solo queue or even across skill brackets in solo queue).

generally understanding is that base stats and damages are utilized roughly similarly across skill brackets, with scaling effects being better in lower skill brackets (where people don't know how to push an advantage) vs early game power spikes being better in higher skill brackets (where advantages can be capitalized on). its likely ryze will continue to receive small buffs that match that understanding as long as he remains non-existent in pro play.

I can't say for what we would do if we decided to work on larger mini rework scope changes.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by JukePlz

Can you explain how Yuumi factors in this logic? You say you aren't interested in nerfing based on popularity but that's exactly what you did to her, now sitting at 44-45% winrate when she was already sitting at 50% in low-high elo and very poor in pro matches (45% WR overall, 38% in Korea) before the massive nerf.

Yuumi was nerfed because she crossed the ban rate threshold in elite iirc. And maybe also pro, sorry don't exactly remember

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by bns18js

pickrate represents a lot more than just power - namely popularity.

Thank god you guys at Riot understand this. Some others tend to forget people like to play what's fun in a video game, regardless of power.

we do want a diversity of champs. We do want a wide variety of champions to be played so that each game is different from the last.

Is there inherent value in trying for diversity? If it's easy to achieve, then sure. Otherwise, IMO it's better just to let people play whatever they find fun repeatedly, rather than forcing(by making less popular champions stronger) them to play different picks.

pro is an exception where pick rate is used due to a mixture of sample size limits and the fact we general consider that pros prioritize playing to win much more than to have fun.

This is an impossible task tbh. But I guess it's the best you guys can work with. But even pros are often flat out WRONG on what's strong. They would default to their comfort pick Ezreal even when ardent censor hypercarries were objectively stronger back then, before FINALLY discovering the truth after a long delay.

There is inherent value. One game being different from the next is key to replayability

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by bns18js

think of Asol, who the f plays him? only onetricks so his winrate is much more towards his actual strength

You have no real data for this baseless claim. It's possible for a champion to be both unpopular in general, and have not many mains dedicated to it. You're using one of the most common myths/misconceptions to formulate your opinion.

Unpopular =/= high % of mains. Some champs people just don't like to play and don't like to main.

Actually very accurate btw. sure there are champs that are main heavy, but other times it's just an unpopular champion.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Putininyourheart

Wouldn't this lead to a different meta in proplay? I thought since the juggernaut fiasco you guys were much more cautious about making some big changes in pro play just before world's/MSI.

It would suck watching some top teams reaching world's playing akali (or whatever other FOM champ) just to nerf it right before groups and make a mess with champ pools.

we take in account meta picks in playoffs when we are making the worlds patch

over 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by mackpack

People always talk about pick rate when it comes to balancing. There's this notion within the community that lower pick rate automatically means only/primarily mains play that champion. Could you shed some light on whether or not this is true?

For example what fraction of the total number of ASol games is played by ASol mains vs. what fraction of the total number of Ezreal games is played by Ezreal mains? Ideally also how this compares to a champion with average popularity.

It's not. There's an easy metric for this: Depth (and Breadth). There was an article about it a while back: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/11/champ-popularity-mixing-math-art/

Low-breadth high-depth are champions who are mained really hard. Low-breadth low-depth champions don't have experts on them. One doesn't really cause the other in either way.

over 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by LooneyWabbit1

I feel like I'm making a mistake every time I lock in Swain.


I feel like I'm making a mistake