It’s f*cking unbelievable how bad my teams are in this elo. My team f*cking picks Skarner, Rek’sai, kog’maw, Warwick and Braum. Like holy f*ck by this point I know I should just alt f4 but I don’t because I have the “play it out” mentality maybe the other players will misplace themselves or something. My skarner had a full complete item and still died to raptors like HOW he has a f*cking shield. Anyways soon I’m like oh maybe Kog can carry but no he just afks targeting the enemy malz voidlings while everyone else is tanking for him. The game finally ended when my kog ran it down and face tanked the enemy jax. THANK f*ck it was a quick one. I’d say GG but nobody else ever says anything in the post game lobby when I’m there.
Anyways any tips on how to climb out of iron in TFT?
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