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I understood the theory behind Riot disliking possible shield stacking for obnoxious reasons and it surely made sense. But the active of Seraph's has been removed for over 5 months and it still has a "lock" sign when you have any "Lifeline" item.

What makes it even more strange is that you are allowed to combine Gargoyle Stoneplate active shield, Locket of the Iron Solari active shield and one Lifeline item. If they would follow the same theory as last season these items should be locked instead.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Soulless_Roomate

Well, think about how many similar changes would probably take "15 minutes tops" to fix. It quickly adds up in time. So they instead ignore low priority bugs like this to focus on bugs that are more likely to lose them revenue. Cause who's really suffering from not being able to build Seraph's with Lifeline items.

Not saying its right, but its how companies work. They focus on the bigger stuff and maybe never get to the little stuff.

Another perspective that helps prioritize things is considering factors like severity and incidence rate.

This has low incidence rate: very very few builds ask for this combination of items This has low severity: it doesn’t crash the server, it doesn’t create infinite stats, it doesn’t stop abilities from working, etc

Disclaimer: I am not part of our QA team and do not represent their craft. I am an idiot designer who should not be commenting on a quality thread.