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People who intentionally ruin games like this aren't on par with people with connection issues.

Giving these people leaverbuster warnings or low priority queue isn't enough. They're trolling, they should get the same punishment intentional feeders get.

There's no difference between someone going 0/30/0 and someone going afk intentionally outside of the gaming ending faster with inting.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by infrequentia

Think about it: they have the ability to detect this shit but they don't implement it. Not to long ago with individual ranked lanes: if you role swapped after getting a lane the game would detect what items and what lane you spent the most time in the first 15 mins to determine what lane your going to get lp/credit for. This same f**king triggers and trackers could be used to detect if a person is purposely spending more time in fountain than they should.

They could EASILY implement measures to fix this but they don't care. Riot doesn't care if you win or lose your game because of an afk person. Riot is a multi BILLION dollar company, implementing measures to stop afk soft inting would take them less than a few days but they just don't care.

Your LP and rank is essentially decided by the unaccountable actions of 8 to 9 other random people that are on the internet. You really think riot cares?

I work closely with the data scientists that do this class of work. It's not easy, I promise.

We do care, and are constantly trying to improve this. Even if you were to assume we are just optimizing for our business (we are not) then it would be in our business interests to have happy players playing great games.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Ok. Let me state for the record. If you could prove to me that you could do this work with guaranteed results, I will make sure we hire you. Direct message me if you are interested--we have a senior data scientist role open right now.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

This is a hard problem to solve within the reasonable constraints of a live operating game with millions of players.

If you know someone who is a genius data scientist who is passionate about player experience in League please get them to apply to our open Senior Data Scientist role.


almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by infrequentia

Okay, I am not assuming that you guys optimize your game for business. It is a given fact that business comes first. Your right though, its wrong for me to say you guys don't care at all. You guys do care it's not all just a conglomerate machine to steal money from you.

BUT THAT BEING SAID: The quality of 1350+ skins as of late and price hikes in the EU servers are indicators of business first. The current unchanging state of the client since the rework is a major indicator of that. The consistent racist and pedophile related names and clan tags that never get banned are indicators of this. It isn't a new problem, this has been with the game since I started playing 3-4 years ago. So it's very obvious your optimizing towards business and not player experience or behavior policing. With an unlimited amount of resources essentially, How is player behavior not prioritized over the last 3-4 years? Business and monetization decision get made and executed on the daily. You guys made more money last year than any of your previous fiscal years. I find it really hard that you guys lack the resources, people, endeavor, and gumptious effort to fix the incredibly toxic player base.

I am open to the criticism, and want you to try give us the benefit of the doubt...

Ok regarding skin quality, I think that's a broad statement to say it's all lower. But for context, if our skins are seen as lower quality we lose money. So if our goal is to gain money by losing money... You can see why that wouldn't be intentional, right. ;) I'm sorry you're not loving the skins. We've got some awesome ones coming and I hope you love them. Personally I was proud of K/DA and I also thought Corgi was amazing, ditto Zed. There's a bit of taste in here.

Regarding the EU price increase, I know it wasn't popular but I at least think we tried to be direct about the reasons why and transparent about them when we announced the change. Agreed that it's hard for that decision to 'spark joy'. That is a case where we need to think about the business. As an idea though, here's something: I wish our business didn't have to interact with currency effects. If we didn't we wouldn't have to communicate this stuff or make these choices. I really wish we didn't have to. But we do...

Of course we've made many types of decisions: Runes reforged resulted in us giving away millions of dollars of revenue, and our rate of content earn rates is higher than ever before... None of that matters to players in specific cases where they are upset. But in aggregate it matters.

There's a lot of behind the scenes work going on with the client. But being frank with you, I wish we could figure this one out better sooner. It's a strange case where some computers are fine and others are not. And there is a limited group of engineers who have to prioritize other things like Clash, etc. I wish we could will this one away.

Regarding player behaviour stuff, we actually do a bunch of stuff behind the scenes... There have been a number of tightenings and improvements to our algorithm (and the name check service too, which really should be catching a tonne of the negative names)... But basically the problem is a pretty hard problem to "fix". As a thought exercise, have a crack at it... Try to think about how you would solve the problem. I've spoken to brilliant designers and scientists who have done great things. But ultimately, League is a competitive game and it sparks strong emotions. We won't give up. We are putting in efforts. We have even invested in some pretty sophisticated convolutional neural networks (but they don't outperform our current algorithms).

I look at the numbers often and I know there's a problem and even know when we have made it a little better. And we will keep trying. Thanks for pushing on us. It doesn't matter that it is hard. We will keep trying to improve our experience.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by BladeCube

You're talking to a data scientist, not the head of Riot. He is just one subdivision of Riot and does what he was hired to do. You can't complain about skins and other stuff to him, he has almost 0 influence on their work.

Ehhh it's ok. It's just because he cares about the game and wants us to do better.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by infrequentia

Thank you for taking the time to elaborate and respond eloquently to a very emotional charged response by me. Your right there is a ton going on behind the scenes that we the community don't know about. BUT it is posts like these that elaborate on whats going on behind the scenes so people don't feel like there is no progress being made. The efforts you have listed above I have never really seen discussed or talked about in the community or from rioters at all. Maybe there is a way we can mitigate this feeling of no traction. It shouldn't take such an emotional rattling to hear about whats going behind the scenes with this stuff. I wish there was a more open dialogue between the community and its internal development. I'm not the only one who feels this way and I'm going to be sending this reply to my friends who have felt like nothing is being done.

It's easy to fall into a pessimistic disposition of negativity when you've experienced something for so long. Reading something like this helps a lot. But it still leaves a huge gap of progress over the last 3-4 years. I want to close that gap as much as you guys do apparently.

What I struggle with is I think that we've been putting more effort than ever in external communication such as with /dev posts on the website or our Riot Please videos, etc.

I think you are right about comms needing to get surfaced better. I comment on Reddit to try help.

What it comes down to is that there's a high personal strain from posting on the net, so most folks choose to try fix the problems vs. talk about the problems.

Thanks for being passionate about League! I'll take it with me into work this week. :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by Fgame

And cue the Rioter with the f**king condescending response.

Idk man it's a real job...

I didn't mean it condescendingly...

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by Chrisfit

Votekicking. If someone is votekicked, give the other 4 players more gold exp. just a little though.

Abuse cases though... we might motivate people to do this even when not warranted...

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by infrequentia

Thank you for taking the time to elaborate and respond eloquently to a very emotional charged response by me. Your right there is a ton going on behind the scenes that we the community don't know about. BUT it is posts like these that elaborate on whats going on behind the scenes so people don't feel like there is no progress being made. The efforts you have listed above I have never really seen discussed or talked about in the community or from rioters at all. Maybe there is a way we can mitigate this feeling of no traction. It shouldn't take such an emotional rattling to hear about whats going behind the scenes with this stuff. I wish there was a more open dialogue between the community and its internal development. I'm not the only one who feels this way and I'm going to be sending this reply to my friends who have felt like nothing is being done.

It's easy to fall into a pessimistic disposition of negativity when you've experienced something for so long. Reading something like this helps a lot. But it still leaves a huge gap of progress over the last 3-4 years. I want to close that gap as much as you guys do apparently.

Thanks my friend. Appreciate it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by infrequentia

At the very least I hope it stirred up some internal discussion! Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate.

Honestly, it always, always does... :)