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Just seeing this crop up a lot since Aurelion Sol and Singed are being nerfed at the moment.

Just because a champion isn’t played doesn’t mean they can escape nerfs since no one plays them. If they’re too strong, they deserve to be nerfed.

This post isn’t to talk about asol’s rework, or whether or not they should be nerfed, it’s more so to bring awareness that just because a champion isn’t popular doesn’t mean they should be able to avoid nerfs.

Edit: Wow this is a lot more polarizing then I originally thought

Edit 2: Wow a lot of people are misconstruing my words here. If a champion is overpowered, whether they have a high or low pick rate, they should get nerfed, no?

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about 5 years ago - /u/NovaAsterix - Direct link

Originally posted by ImKrypton

His breadth is stupidly low yet he HAS borderline median DEPTH. People that all have 1 game on him have exactly that 1 game. It won't reflect on DEPTH at all. Yet he has that depth.

edit: /u/NovaAsterix, please could you help with this one?

I have arrived. One thing to keep in mind with that analysis is it's showing all players. The amount of folks who play 1 game and bounce is exceptional for champs like ASol and Singed due to their unique kits that have little overlap with any other champions. When you start to filter out the 1 and dones, the trialists, etc; Singed, ASol, Fiddlesticks, Anivia etc. are THE highest depth champions.

Basically, you won't see them often but they will often be very high mastery points when you do and if they aren't...well good luck.

about 5 years ago - /u/NovaAsterix - Direct link

Originally posted by bns18js

Ok. So it means they have A TINY AMOUNT of EXTREMELY dedicated players. However as a % of the overall players who play a certain champ, they're still a tiny minority. This has to to be the case by default right? Where as if you compare to yasuo, there is probably a much higher % of its player base who can be said to "main" him.

Depth as defined in the graph = total number of games/total number of unique players. This metric is shown to be low for A-sol. When you're saying "A-sol has high depth", you're talking about a different definition.

I'm saying only a tiny % of the A-sol players are mains(the champ is not mostly played by mains). But you're saying that tiny % plays him a shit ton(the few mains he has plays him alot).

Am I misunderstanding anything where? Thanks for the input. But I think this new info isn't contradictory to anything I said before.

You are indeed correct, what I intended to communicate is that when you remove the LOWEST depth players from the equation, ASol has a lot more of those than other champions. So as you remove the 1 game players, ASol's depth rises more than other champions to the point where for players who play, say, 3+ games on a champion only, ASol now has the highest depth.