Original Post — Direct link

Hey guys, Alicopter here. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a Challenger Alistar OTP in NA achieving over 900LP Challenger for the past 5 seasons. I figured I should do an AMA since Alistar has gotten buffed for the last 2 patches in a row in case any players have questions about the champion or even myself in general. I'll be on the PC for the next 7 hours ~ streaming League, so ask me anything and I'll answer them in between my games!

Edit 1 : I enjoyed reading and answering your questions. If you guys want to pass by while I'm in game to watch me live in action, im here at twitch.tv/alicopter !

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about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by AlicopterNA

Don't report it to the officials.

Please man let me out of the basement its been so long