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All of us miss minions all the time, and even at the pro level you see players missing cannon minions more often then they should. I think this is clearly due to the inability to actually tell the minion health accurately at a glance. Minion health scales over the game and does anyone actually know how much health any of the 4 types of minions have at any point in the game besides the very start?

When fighting champions, if you don’t get the kill you can clearly see “they lived with under 100 hp!” Because thats what one bar represents. The more bars the more hp. So why does a cannon minion have a total hp bar the same size as a melee and a ranged minion, when the hp pools are very different. It makes last hitting far harder and more tilting, especially for newer players. The cannon minion is the biggest offender here because its health pool is so much bigger than the others, its the most missed minion %-wise by a longshot if I had to guess because its so hard to judge its remaining health. And nothing is more tilting than missing the cannon minion.

It would be far to distracting and clunky to add the remaining hp numbers into or above the health bars of the minions and I feel like the champion 100hp/bar system works best. Maybe if they introduced a system where mousing over the minion (just hovering not clicking and bringing up the little screen) will flash its hit points above the bar? I just want to stop self-tilting at missing cannons.

TLDR: minion health bars are too difficult to judge remaining health at a glance. They should divide the health bars into 100hp/division (just like champion hp bars are) to make last hitting easier.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Mainly because it is too much visual noise and would be hard to parse at a glance, especially given that there are so many minions in the wave (both yours and opponents). It also gives a clearer read for champion HP bars vs minion HP bars.