Here in Gamers & Psychology Research Institution down in Orlando, Florida, we've conducted an experiment with chimpanzees found fresh in the jungles of West Africa with a goal to observe their behaviours when introduced to the gaming sensation known as League of Legends.
The procedure of this experiment began with placing 10 adult chimpanzees onto their respective PC in a gaming cafe that we've completely booked. As their seated onto their chairs, each chimp receives a gaming assistant in which they assist in loading up League of Legends onto their respective borrowed accounts and placing them into a 5v5 custom match where every chimp is participating in.
As the chimps were getting ready to select their champions, they began to scream aggressively, pointing towards their Flash summoner spell. The assistants were bewildered and frightened, but they managed to remain calm and thought of a rational solution to keep the experiment from collapsing. One of them suggested to switch all of their Flash spells to D rather than F (the accounts we borrowed all had Flash on F), so they went on with the change of spells and the chimps went dead silent as a result. The assistants attempted to switch back Flash to F again, which then made the chimps scream aggressively once again.
The discovery was absolutely astonishing. Why would ALL 10 chimpanzees prefer Flash on D rather than F? We even ran the experiment again with 10 different chimps and we still ended up with the same results. We haven't found an answer yet, but we believe it is related to their primitive and animalistic nature. Now, I understand that some of you may be reading this that prefer Flash on D and probably feel insulted, and I want to let you know that these results do not make you less than human. However though, you do need to be aware that your mindset of preferring Flash on D is indeed related to those of literal chimpanzees that throw their own sh*t.
Other stuff we discovered with this experiment:
ALL of the chimpanzees would only ever play Dr. Mundo, often screeching in delight whenever they manage to hit a Q
ALL of the chimpanzees instantly went on to grind Ranked with every single one of them ending up hardstuck Silver IV
ALL of the chimpanzees began to think that NA has a chance at Worlds this year
NONE of the chimpanzees are ever happy after playing a match, yet would still continue to play again and again
NONE of the chimpanzees realized that this is obviously satire
That's all for now. Stay informed!
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