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Yesteday, I got 1 of a million games where nobody on my team died, and enemy team didn't got any drake, turret, herald or nashor

It was a ranked game and I was playing alone with no premades

With the new challenges systems, I knew there was one where you have to do accomplish that, win a perfect game, hard, huh

I was so hyped, on my 5 seasons playing, this was the first time I had a perfect game and now, with challenges, it was rewarded (Yeah, sure a lot of people doesnt care, but I do)

We did it, at min 20, being 24/0/25, they surrendered, and I didn't got the challenge

Why? Cause apparently, we also had to do nashor, something is not pointed out on the challenge, and something we didn't need to end the game (They did FF when we were destroying nexus turrets)

I'm pretty sure this will not happen again in my next games, and well, it's pretty sad, because is something my team couldn't handle

If you have a perfect game and care about the challenge, remember to ask enemy team to not FF so you can do nashor!

Here you have Riot's response (In Spanish, I will translate below)


I'm Sorry to tell you that it's correct that you didn't get the achievement, to get it your team must also get the Baron 😖.

We know that the description doesn't make it so clear, but we assure you that we are already working on improving the descriptions of the achievements ~ Mew 🐾


They got nothing in the whole game

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Howdy friend, this one is on us. This challenge should not require you take any epic monster, only that your opponents do not.

So if you lost no towers, had no deaths, and the enemy team wasn't able to take anything, you deserve it. Please DM me your summoner name + region and we will look into it and make it right.