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With one week to go till LEC starts and knowing the starting rosters of most teams, I decided to do a Power Ranking for next season. Tell me what u think and what u would to differently. If I got any rosters wrong please tell me aswell. I know in some teams its not clear who is starting, but those are the players I expect and hope to start.

10 Schalke 04

Odoamne Lurox Abbedagge Innaxe Dreams

This team has some solid players but overall the talent in my opinion just isnt enough to get anywhere near playoffs. Depending on how the roster changes on the other bottom teams play out Schalke might finish 8. or 9. but I dont see this roster getting a better result. To be fair to them they finished last season 6-6 after the put Innaxe on the roster. So there is for sure some potential in there and in past years and seasons the would probably get a way higher ranking.

9 SK Gaming

Jenaxe Trick Zazee Crownshot LIMIT

There are some big questions for SK next season. Can Trick step up again and be a better jungler? How will Jenax perform in top lane and will Zazee be the next strong mid lane rookie in LEC? The potential they have did push the ahead of Schalke in my list and if everthing clicks the might actually get higher, but there is also the possibility of them crashing and ending last.

8 Excel

Kryze Caedrel Special Patrik Tore

I think Excel's roster changes this offseason will pay out for them in the long run, but I wouldnt say they got actually stronger in summer. Escpecially in the early weeks, this new roster might struggle. I think playoffs are out of reach for them, but they should be able to leave some teams behind them.

7 Vitality

Cabochard Nji Milica Comp Labrov

Finally Vitatliy got their roster together with Milicia and Labrov. If Cabo can step up again and lead those rookies this team might get some big upsets in summer. But also I think they will lose to many games to the lower teams and because of the miss out on playoffs at the end. Overall this team has great potential to both sides. Its very hard to rate them, but the top 6 for me are just to much stacked to put them in their.

6 Rogue

Finn Inspired Larrsen Hans Sama Vander

Rogue has the talent and the potential to do great things, but so far its just not really clicking in the team. If they fix their problems they can atleast get 3rd place in summer. Between them, Origen, Misfits and MAD its a very close battle. All those teams have a stacked roster with a lot of great players and how the team works together will mostly decide in which order they will finish.

5 Misfits

Dan Dan Razor Febiven Kobbe denyk

With the addition of Kobbe I think this team got way stronger they already were. The mix of great upcoming rookies and veterans seems to work so far. Febiven is getting back to form and if Kobbe works well with denyk this team has a great potential to challange some of the other playoff teams.

4 Origen

Alphari Xerxe Nukeduck Upset Destiny

Origen has an absolute stacked roster and expect Destiny they are all individually top tier players in their role. For me they missing the x-Factor. If they can get more versatile and some of their players step up to carry whole games this team can definiatly can place higher and actually compete against G2 and Fnatic. So far I am not seeing it, so the "only" end in place 4 to me.

3 MAD Lions

Orome Shad0w Humaniod Carzzy Kaiser

The shooting stars of spring split and the only team besides FPX that was able to beat G2 in a Bo5 since Caps joined. They are all young and talanted and seem to work great together. The only question for MAD is what happens if the start to struggle, can the find a way out? But with a great staff around them I am sure they will have probably even a bett showing in summer split.

2 Fnatic

Biwpo Selfmade Nemesis Rekkles Hylissang

I think there is no question Fnatic belongs here. Their regular season was great and in playoffs they only really struggled against G2. I think think this regular season will be very hard, because the leauge overall got even stronger between the splits. So it will be important for Fnatic to stay mentally strong and keep their spirit up even after the heavy defeat in spring finals by G2. But LEC the since G2 joined was pretty much always a battle between Fnatic and G2 and this season will be similar in my opinion.

1 G2

Wunder Jankos Caps Perkz MikyX

Obviously G2 stays the strongest team in europe and no matter who is playing mid, there are just to many advantages this roster has over the rest of the leauge. I dont think the will dominate the leauge in regular season and maybe even playoffs. But when it actually matters they are just unmatched in the past 1 1/2 years.

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over 4 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

lol g2 aren't even that good