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guys if I was in my promo and game 5 a teemo support ran mid and soaked xp while I got zoned 1v2 I would 100% report it no questions asked


imagine having a teemo support soaking xp mid and calling it a 'off meta strat' 🤣🤣

hopefully i'll never have to experience this strat :)

Irelia Carries U:

nubrac has been a troll since season 4, i don't know why anyone is pitying him for the ban... no one signs up to play duo mid and solo adc when they queue for ranked, its an obvious stunt and people are falling for it. if anything nightblue did the high elo community a favor


Half of reddit unironically defending nubrac is so disgusting - the kid actively ruins every game by picking teemo support and laning top/mid. Sitting invis in the middle of lane soaking xp while bot is 2v1 hahahah. This sh*t isn’t revolutionizing the meta it’s 400 games 48% wr

For those out of context, NB3 had a game in which he reported someone who was playing "Teemo support". There has been a controversy at whether "off meta" strats should be bannable

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over 5 years ago - /u/riotzephyr - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey everyone, I work with the League Partner Program (LPP) in NA and want to provide some clarity here. We’ve been experimenting with an escalated player reporting system for NA LPP for several months now. It enables NA League Partners to report players for questionable behavior via the same avenues that any other player would, but they can also escalate their reports to Player Support via a specific channel to get them potentially addressed more quickly.

LPP members do not have the power to influence actions taken against other players. The rules and standards set to evaluate reports are the same across the board and maintained by Player Support. We can’t speak to why this particular player was banned, but this Player Support member’s post has more info on this specific case.

To clarify, the only difference between regular reporting and this is the potential speed at which reports are reviewed. We agree that the messaging around this NA LPP feature has not been clear and we completely understand why people are frustrated. While it may seem like influencers are abusing connections with Riot to get what they want, that is not and has never been the case. We do not approve of LPP members threatening players with this privilege and we address these instances when it happens.

So why does this escalated player reporting system exist? When there is an increased audience, each game will affect more than just the 9 other people playing. As being an influencer can sometimes attract negative behavior from other players, the purpose of this system is to diminish the negative impact on the community at large. That said, if an LPP report is acted upon, it is because that report would have warranted action if submitted by any other player. The LPP member is notified in the same way as anyone else via the client pop up, otherwise no other information is given to the person reporting. Influencers are also expected to adhere to the same behavior guidelines as other players and are not immune to action being taken against them. If you encounter any player in-game that you believe is exhibiting unacceptable behavior, we encourage you to use the in-client reporting tool or submit a Player Support ticket.

After the launch of LPP last year, we’ve been trying to do a lot more to support creators and alleviate common pain points. We’re trying out a bunch of new things and sometimes we’re not going to get it perfect immediately (see the change in exclusivity for LPP emerald chromas). If this expedited reporting system does not provide the support and value intended, we plan to adjust accordingly. We apologize for not having clearer communication on this one, and hope this provides more insight into the process.

over 5 years ago - /u/riotzephyr - Direct link

Originally posted by canaleiro

Can you explain why Nubrac was banned? Riot have openly stated that off-meta players will not receive 14 day suspensions as long as they want to win (which I'm pretty sure Nubrac does): https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/player-behavior-moderation/EtXQhs5J-weore-updating-our-policy-so-unusual-play-styles-dont-get-14-day-bans


They also introduced protocol they said would be followed in cases like this:

Here’s how that process will work:

Players who cause an undue amount of frustration and pain because of a crazy pick but are dedicated to winning (not trolling) will not receive a ban instead we’ll temporarily lock their account. The player will get a message to reach out to Player Support so they can unlock their account. Before you guys get too scared, given our review of past audits, we feel this will only apply to a few players a year. Seriously, last year thousands of these audits were performed, and we saw only a tiny handful of these cases appear.

When contacted; Player Support will let the player know they’re not banned, but temporarily locked out of their account because of an audit. We’ll share in-game examples and reports of the kind of behavior that’s causing them to pop up on our radar.

The player gets feedback on how they can communicate what they’re trying to do and how their team can win without ruining the experience of people they play with. After that Player Support will unlock their account.

With their account unlocked the player is free to return to games right away. Player Support will reach out again if they find any actual behavior problems. If they’re flagged with unsportsmanlike conduct, or outright trolling, they’ll receive a penalty. If it’s just their style to try to win with weird picks and unusual plays then they won’t get a penalty.

I can't speak for Player Support nor am I in any position to speak about the status of anyone's account, so I'd defer to the post I linked by a Player Support member.