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As a disclaimer when I say it’s not an anti-shield item I don’t mean „uuh it’s not as strong as serpent so it’s bad“ I mean it is virtually useless against shields.

The problem is that the magic pen also applies based on health so you actually don’t get 10-20 magic pen vs shields but actually 0-10 magic pen because you need to compare the difference between shield vs non-shield champs.

Now let’s look at the actual numbers of a realistic scenario. Let’s say we have a carry with 2k hp you start of with 13 magic pen and then it increases up to 20 until you reach 1k hp and at that point it caps at the max 20 mpen.
If you now have shields it instead is at 20 mpen all the way through which means you start of with 7 more mpen and it decreases down to 0 mpen at 1k health and stays there for the rest of the health.
If you now calculate the average mpen bonus over the 2k health you actually get 1.75 mpen so the difference between hitting a shield champ and a non-shield champs is 1.75 magic pen in this scenario which is virtually nothing.

Don’t get me wrong I am not saying the item is useless. It’s a decent flat magic pen burst item but it has absolutely no anti-shield identity and the fact that riot marketed it as such implies we will never get an ap anti-shield item because apparently this item should do that already even though it clearly doesn’t.

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about 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Shadowflame wasn't designed to be an anti shield item. It is a magic pen item for champions that cannot proc any of the other pure damage items (horizon, Lich, etc.) with an anti-shield cherry on top.

We found that gating the full item functionality behind an opponent team composition having shielders, when it's meant to be a core item did not satisfy those users.

These champions are often trying to nuke champions through a defensive shield like Janna, lulu, locket etc.

In those situations against a full hp ~15-1800 hp target, getting the max pen can be significant. 7 mpen can be a surprising amount of damage and it also has good effect against bruisers who are frequently at the max hp threshold and taking ambient damage.