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This has to be one of the most iconic riot games support official twitter account responses to ever exist, so basically a guy was questioning the system of lp gain/loss in MASTER elo only to be told , by some riot games employee , that the ranked season ended a while ago and it's pointless to play ranked ? ! So where the hell are players supposed to practise the new changes and the new items ? on normal draft mode ? Pro players should not be queue'ing up anymore and facing each other in high elo and should rather wait a couple of months until the new season starts ?

I think this reflects the mindset of some people working on riot games, we have a problem ? oh let's take it easy it doesnt matter anyway we are in preseason...

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over 4 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Yo, I don't work on League anymore, I've been locked in the R&D dungeon for sometime now (please help meeeee) but y'all typically don't instantly flame me when I post so here's my take on Preseason, the LoL devs, and this tweet:

  • Preseason is always kinda whack. I remember the Runes Reforged preseason, a bunch of champions/runes were way too strong, a bunch were way too weak, there were problems, we actively worked to try to fix them
  • Seems like the same is going on here. I went and played with the new items, overall I like the direction, but my boy yasuo seems weak with the crit changes. I trust they'll adjust things though
  • Now, I could just be a Riot shill (I am), but back when I was on League this was the busiest time of year. I was grinding both in the months up to preseason and especially during preseason (when all the juicy data and feedback was coming in)
  • I don't believe the LoL dev team is just "taking it easy" rn.
  • I think Riot Support probably intended to say LP gains/losses don't matter as much since it's more about your MMR when you're playing ranked before season start.
  • wintrading is still NOT okay

Anyways those are my takes. Hope you're all doing well, and happy holidays :)

over 4 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by Mattix46

this rioter probably queues into ranked on his gold acc, picks something troll and says "eh its preseason no one cares :D"

dude just @ me next time SHEESH