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Had two games today:

  1. We end up far behind early game (full late game team vs some early game champs), catching up during mid game. But since we have like 1 or 2 kills more than the enemy team, they get free gold and they become a pain in the ass again. We still won.
  2. Had the lead during the entire game, not by much. The same thing happens again: They get a sh*t ton of free gold over nothing and end up winning because our jungler goes afk.

I know you can defend objectives and stuff, but it's impossible to be everywhere at the same time and trust that your teammates won't make any mistakes. Having a lead seems pointless right now unless you're stomping hard and scaling even harder.

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over 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Hi folks,

We're currently monitoring objective bounties turning on slightly too early (when teams don't feel behind enough to warrant getting a bounty).

Please reply to the thread with games that feel off to you & why they felt off (opgg and game identifying information will suffice).