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almost 6 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Fun_Size

I like how Vayne gets buffs for rageblade cause god forbid she is weak for 1 patch but Kog gets absolutely no compensation and he is way more dependent on the item than vayne

I can see how this looks bad haha.. we're not planning on compensating Vayne for rageblade nerfs.

The Vayne R CD should be back to live values tomorrow on PBE. It was leftover from some other changes that we were trying out that would have been harsher nerfs, and had an R CD buff as compensation.

The only thing that should be different from live Vayne on PBE Vayne tomorrow is her Tumble CD reduction during R going from 50% at all ranks to 30%/40%/50% depending on R rank.

FWIW not trying to nerf Vayne that hard. She's around 51.5% winrate now, so don't want to go overboard. In a perfect world the rageblade nerfs and the tumble CDR reduction leave her around 50% -- but less frustrating to play against (since her ban rates are quite high in most MMRs). If she stays at exactly the same ban rate while sitting at slightly lower win-rate -- then the changes didn't work, and we'd have to adjust from there.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Fun_Size

Thanks for the reply jatt this makes me feel better. Just wondering if Kog will be buffed this patch or are you waiting to see how the rageblade nerfs affect him? Rageblade is pretty much what still makes him viable so just curious what your going to do with him

Currently don't think the rageblade nerfs are large enough to make Kog weak. he's sitting at around ~53% winrate in most MMRs, so don't want to pre-emptively compensate with buffs. If we're wrong, and the rageblade nerfs make Kog weak, we will look to address from there.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by sp33dzer0

Have you considered removing the tumble cooldown and just giving her power elsewhere? It is the most frustrating part of her kit.

Definitely. It's a balancing act of trade-offs, with the goal being to reduce Vayne's playing against frustration while leaving the playing-as-Vayne experience as fun as possible. The introduction of the mechanic earlier this year increased Vayne's play-rate pretty considerably, so looking to see if it can exist with slightly reduced power. Would definitely consider removing it completely (or think of some other mechanics change) if Vayne continues to be an issue post 9.10