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Phroxzon tweeted:

For Ability Haste conversations that are going around right now. A few reasons for this:

  • We've been trying to move certain classes away from damage and into other outputs (eg. Assassins using Haste instead of damage to make them more about repeatability and less about one-shotting).

  • We still think haste creep is better than damage creep in this respect, but Preseason will make it better when items like Goredrinker & Duskblade no longer give 35-45 Haste by themselves

  • For assassins, we still need to find that thing that assassin players still like that isn't haste or damage that will allow us to diversify their outputs (things like Assassins buying Umbral Glaive is good for this reason)

  • For fighters, similarly, players have complained about basically every output fighters have been given. This puts us in a bit of a weird bind when they can't have burst damage, can't have sustained damage, can't have healing, can't be durable, can't be good teamfighters (as a class they need very specific things like pre-nerf Death's Dance to be functional), can't be good splitpushers (because that's frustrating)

  • Them casting more abilities is what we've been leaning towards, because it at least channels the gameplay through their kits (which are meant to have gameplay) and needing multiple rotations to kill, though there are of course exceptions

Though a lot of this haste creep gets solved when Mythics are no longer contributing 35-45 haste by themselves and the power of items is reduced by some amount

Curious on people's thoughts...

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by EpicSpooker

Finally he says it: no one is going to be satisfied with how they balance fighters. At this point they have tried literally everything and people have complained about it all. Personally, I think that fighters need a “broken” thing to be viable because of their inherit lack of range and imo this should be haste and/or durability. I do disagree on his opinion on assassins though. They should have high cooldowns but high damage. Get one kill and get out.

My stance (and I'm in a position to enforce it, mwa ha ha ha ha) is that "mid-size" fighters should be:

  • Durable
  • Using haste as a core stat
  • Damage threats
  • Fairly target agnostic

Not all fighters fall directly into the above. Skirmishers (Riven, Master Yi, Fiora, Viego, Tryndamere) are on average much less durable or rely on a "parry" (Fiora W, Yi W... Tryndamere R lol) in order to survive. But someone like Jarvan or Hecarim? Oh yeah, those bullet points apply IMO.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by droppedmyravioli

AH lowered for everyone means differently for different champions/roles.

Of course every champ wants to cast abilities more often, but the adc Twitch would not be affected by lower AH as much as the Aatrox

Twitch also presently buys 0 AH unless he's AP Twitch.


over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

I'm very curious as to where you think Kled fits into this

Kled's weird. And as far as I can tell, Kled players like that he's weird.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

Can we please get a list of what is considered light,mid and heavy(I presume) fighters? Just to have a general idea.

Very broadly and not official:

No dashes at all? Probably heavy (Mordekaiser, Darius, Mundo). Items like Dead Man's Plate and Jak'Sho make sense for them. "Juggernaut" tends to apply here.

A button that makes you immune to damage for a short time? Probably light.

Neither of those? Probably medium.

Of course there are more than enough exceptions to make this not really apply. Red Kayn actually has Skirmisher/Light tools but clearly builds midsized and honestly should. But it's a decent starting framework.