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Patch 14.18

These are not beginners bots - it's the highest difficulty possible.

The newest patch brought some changes of bots, but for the worse.

And I don't think it's a bug just in this one situation - I tried to play 5 custom games in a row and it was the same everytime - bots are super passive and almost don't attack you or each other and end the game usually with 2-3k damage.

I would really like to have my old custom games back - yes, bots couldn't jungle or you couldn't set them a position, but at least if was almost like when you play against some very weak players.

I used custom games for practicing new champions, or I simply want to have some chill in a situation, when I didn't know, if I had a time for a normal game.

But currently, custom games are unplayable imo.

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Hello! We are fixing this asap. We fixed it on PBE but it was unfortunately missed on pickup to live! I will write here when I have confirmed it has rolled out to live.

Thank you for flagging and we appreciate your feedback!

EDIT: This should be fixed on live regions now. Thank you again for letting us know

Originally posted by eyounan

This was a bug that leaked onto the main server. I opened a thread on r/LeaguePBE but it couldn't be triaged in time:


However, good news is that the bug is gone on PBE, so hopefully by 14.19 they won't be completely broken.

Yep yep, shout out to u/eyounan for flagging to us on the PBE forum, your feedback is always appreciated.

This issue should be fixed on live now!

Originally posted by styr

Thanks for the fix DashiJ! Is there any chance we will see the bots that are available in custom games become available for co-op vs ai?

Hello! Currently, all Custom Game bots are available in Co-Op versus AI, though the rate they show up might be different as our team comp builder picks champs at random based on their lane and role. :)

Originally posted by Argimlas

Hello, I just tried one custom game and it really seems better. Bots are actually fighting you and each other.

However, there are plenty other thing that would need some improvement. So I have just one question - is there currently somebody, who is actively working on improvement of bots in customs/co-op?

Thank you.

Hello! Feel free to include what you see as experiential issues (or even wishlists of what you want to see more of!) over in the PBE Subreddit as we review all of those as a team for backlog and prioritization We really appreciate players who write out their pain points or wishlists of what they wish the bots do.

Right now, our team owns the New Player Experience systems so a lot of our current focus is on improving the new player experience for players level 1-10. So while we are frequently improving the bots, it is with a lens of helping new players learn League. (For example, bots are way too difficult right now for new players so prioritizing ways to reduce their difficulty.)

Long way to say, yes we as a team are actively working on the bot improvements -- but probably not on features that would be heavily noticeable to custom game mains, co-op versus AI mains, or active players who enjoy a co-op versus AI every now and then. Though we are capturing requests from these groups as ideally once we shore up more of the experience for new players, we can start looking to pushing up the difficulty for the bots for those groups!