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I'm not main mid, so I can't really say for sure, i only play scuttlecrab, but i was thinking of playing a midlane champion...

I looked at the stats of the entire midlane rooster, and I'm pleased to see that ALL of the midlane champions are viable!Fizz, Zed, Yone, and Katarina! Happy to see the good work of Riot's balancing team on keeping every champion on a healthy state but...

On further inspection, i see that Katarina does struggle a bit.

I think it would shake the meta up to buff katarina, to move away from the dash heavy assassins meta, into a BLINK heavy assassin meta!

A buff that i suggest giving katarina is:Crit scaling on her Q and R! So that the crit chance from the kraken build doesn't go wasted.Armor and Magic resistance scaling on her passive, Q and E

And also, i noticed that Support katarina has a really bad winrate. I suggest Making her passive and ult heal allies (AND herself.) And give her mana regen scaling on all her damaging abilities, so that you can build support items too.

I would also consider giving her a passive that removed the single mythic restriction on her, It would open up more builds!

EDIT: Also let's be honest..... why can't Katarina just ult towers? Her passive should work on items too, to have instant resets on lichbane and multiple zhonya activations!

And since her Q is a knife, and her ult is also a knife, her Q should also apply on hits.

And since her auto is a knife, and her Q is a knife, she should just be ranged, tbh.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Yaosuo

How is that actually possible. Senna has maw too...

Deathcap, 15-mejai's, Rocketbelt for 25 flat pen + Void Staff, full build.

Yeah, so true damage on like 700 AP E+Passive+Lich Bane+Nashor is just absurd burst.

And people were complaining about BotRK Katarina KEKW. AP Kat is giga-broken.