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about 5 years ago - /u/riotzephyr - Direct link

Originally posted by lllIIlIIIlllI

Ah, then the article is formulated a bit ambiguous for those who don't know that.

After the positive response to last year’s co-streaming program during Rift Rivals 2019, we’ve decided to test co-streaming for a longer period of professional League of Legends. Because of this, we will continue the co-streaming pilot program for the 2020 LCS Spring Split. The pilot program will again be limited to a select group of creators so we can continue to track the impact on the individual streamers and our broadcast. For the LCS Spring Split, co-streaming will only be available to members of the NA League Partner Program, Oceanic League Partner Program, and LCS/Academy teams. ... The co-streaming policy also varies per region so please keep in mind that this pilot program policy only applies to the LCS broadcasts

They make it sound as if it's their first co-stream programme after RR.

Are there co-streamers for LEC too?

Sorry for the confusion here! This is NA's first co-streaming program since Rift Rivals 2019. All regions have different policies for co-streaming so this announcement is coming to you from the NA esports team and applies to LCS broadcasts only.