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VIT 1 - 0 SK

Vitality 6-man roster with super minion confirmed?

Vitality 63.7k 55.3K SK Gaming
Alphari (Gangplank) 4/1/4 1/3/3 Jenax (Aatrox)
Selfmade (Xin Zhao) 4/3/7 4/4/5 Gilius (Hecarim)
Perkz (Zilean) 2/3/9 2/1/8 Sertuss (Viktor)
Carzzy (Jinx) 2/3/5 5/2/3 Jezu (Aphelios)
Labrov (Tahm Kench) 0/3/8 1/2/10 Treatz (Rakan)
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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Piro42

When the commentators praised VIT "clean macro game", I didn't know they meant inting 4 party members to let minions push the nexus.

I firmly believe those players have the skills, knowledge and personality types to discuss keeping SK busy while the minions killed the base. Under the assumption that what I said happened, that's incredible macro and mind games against their opponents.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by TheWarmog

Sorry quickshot but to say this was good league of legends on the side of vitality (to the point of "shades of g2 2019 if i heard well) you gotta be blind.

This game was an absolute clusterf**k and far, far faaaar away from clean.

Out of interest what makes you feel that way? I'm interested to hear your perspective because even now, a few hours later I feel as though VIT were playing the game several minutes ahead the entire game literally from the draft.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

I've read the comments and wanna confirm I was a little distracted today. I didn't find a rythym in games and had a lot of real life stuff on my mind. I'll learn from this and do better next time!!

I must say that I'm surprised by the amount of feedback. So I wanted to let you know that I'll watch this back in a few days with fresh eyes and distance from today! It's pretty common to also ask for feedback from the LEC crew so I'll check in with them too!

Thanks to everyone who wrote comments without crossing into personal attacks. I truly appreciate feedback, but ideally like to read something with a bit of structure and reasoning included.❤️❤️ .

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Second thought just because it's on my mind.

Feedback and opinions are not the same. If you write you hated the cast and my hype was flat, that's an opinion. It becomes feedback whe you add context and ideally very specific reference points that didn't land for you so that it becomes tangible and meaningful for me to work with, review and then have a discussion about the different perspective.

By all means share you opinions, that's what this site is for, but please don't confuse it with feedback.