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Right now it feels weird that cloud drake deals so much damage early compared to the infernal drake, the ocean drake's slow is super awkward, and the mountain drake is just a big mess.

They are trying to make drakes feel more impact full, so it'd be cool if the drakes would show that in their fight to the death

It could be cool if the dragons felt a little more like a pve fight, like rift herald and baron nashor.

My ideas would be:

INFERNAL: on hit gives an over time burn effect, that would shred armor and mr, and once in a while could create a volcanic explosion, so you'd have to walk slightly away as it casts it, unless you'd want to sacrifice your health over your time. The idea being that the infernal drake gives you a damage buff, so it has to have a lot of damage, and if anyone catches you trying to take the drake, they will also deal more damage to you. Infernal drake also gives an AOE attack as a buff, so it could have an AOE attack itself as well.

OCEAN: Instead of a slow, it can have other things, its element is water, and you're literally standing in a river when fighting it, so maybe it could manipulate the river in some way. I could imagine it making a wave that gives a slight knock up that you'd have to dodge sometimes. Or it could have something like Nami's Q that would knock you up, like baron's knock up, or like those plants from the odyssey event. Or it could summon rain clouds (shout out to cloud drake) that would slow you a ton if you stood under them and they rained on you, referring to what it does when it changes the rift.

MOUNTAIN: When The mountain drake transforms the rift it makes new terrain, so when fighting it, it sometimes creates walls that could potentially trap you either inside or outside the pit for like 5 seconds. something like that could create all sorts of fun fights if that drake is being taken. And if it has to attack so slowly, then at least make it feel like you get hit by a mountain rather than a pebble each 40 seconds.

CLOUD: The cloud drake is all about wind, and wind pushes, so my idea would be to have its attacks slightly push you away from it, and maybe sometimes have a big wind gust that pushes you really hard in on direction, maybe counting as a knock up, making potential fights there unpredictable. it should keep its fast attacks, but have less damage.

ELDER: i'm not entirely sure, maybe make it attack everyone and give it the true damage burn that you get by killing it. Make it feel more like a ''final boss''.

For some of these changes to work better, the dragons would have to always stay in the dragon pit, which is fine by me as i hate leaving the dragon and then having it chase me across the river dealing a bit of extra damage.

Riot also said that they are going to make the dragons a faster to take, which i disagree with, if you're going to make an objective have more impact, then it should automatically be harder to take, not easier. I think that dragon objectives should be their own little epic battles, kind of like baron. let's hope for the best.

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over 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

We tried doing some stuff like this for Rise of the Elements in early prototype. While they were cool thematically, when the mechanics were tuned to be meaningful it made it really difficult to get any meaningful progression in the dragon game, because teams found it difficult to take dragons safely. We tried things like fire damage walls, anti dash damage zones, cloud wind walls that emerged and pushed when dragon was aggroed, etc. We ended up going with things that had a more subtle effect on the encounter instead and still had the depth and Mastery, but not halting teams being able to take dragons.