Genuine question as I'm curious. It's not just balancing around 50% winrate like it is in SoloQ, because if that were the case we would see far more drastic patch notes.
Instead, we either get the same 5-10 champs in every role with very little deviation, for patch after patch after patch. Or when something new crops up that they don't like, they nerf it almost instantly. So that suggests to me that they CAN react quickly when they don't like something, but choose NOT to when they like the meta, and thus leave certain champs untouched for months. So how do they decide what they want in the meta?
It took them six months to nerf Wukong & Vi out of the jungle meta, and even now Ivern & Maokai are untouched. Additionally, in the past two years it seems like only six or seven ADCs have actually seen viable play. Which suggests they're choosing to leave it that way, and it's what they want.
What really drove this home for me was watching KSante 1v9 the LEC finals. It is rare to see a champion so unanimously hated by the audience (seriously, there was not a single voice defending the champ as far as I could see), and yet he remains untouched, a Pro Play staple. So this isn't a rant, but I'm genuinely curious what metrics Riot use for the pro meta. Surely audience satisfaction has to be one of the most important metrics, no?
Do they consult with the Pros, and buff/keep in the meta champions that the Pros like? I can imagine champs like KSante/Aphelios/Azir are very popular with Pros due to the skill expression/outplay potential, so is the satisfaction of the Pro Players ranked highly? (Which would make sense since they're the ones actually playing, so if that's the case fair enough).
But we know that they CAN act quickly when they don't like a champion's presence in Pro Play. Heimer support was nerfed as soon as they could. They actively redesigned items to force enchanters out of the meta for more interesting melee supports, so they're quite capable of shaking things up when they need to.
So the fact that they don't shake it up and leave certain champs untouched means it must be deliberate, and I'm wondering how they choose what they want and don't want to see play.
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