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over 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

Visually looks excellent but they removed all her headshot auto cancels which was what made her skill ceiling so high, and that's just not ok.

They need to make sure to add her headshot auto cancels back before they release this VU to live servers because otherwise people will be furious that a high skill champion lost the thing that made them so fun to play.

What makes you think anything was changed with her mechanics at all? Genuinely interested in this.

over 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by SiniestroJr

The only question I have is: is it easier to see traps that are placed behind towers now ? That cheese , especially om some skins are maddening


This came up in discussions during her development, but we decided that this would be altering her GAMEPLAY too much to be acceptable as an ASU.

over 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

I was PMd by someone that has access to the PBE who said they had tried her, unless they were just trolling me, in which case I stand corrected, i'll check when i'm home from work, really hope that I was just being trolled though.

They may also have been trying at 200 ping if on PBE. I'll be paying attention to this issue, anyway.

over 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

I managed to test it out myself on 141 Ping, from what I can tell the headshot auto cancel is completely gone, don't think it's a ping issue either because I tried doing harder Lee Sin stuff like the Chinese Insec and had no issue at all.

Could you describe the technique used? YouTube video link etc?